

Tax Watch

California lawmakers introduced 39 bills and constitutional amendments in the current legislative session that, if enacted, would increase taxes and fees by more than $272 billion annually — more than doubling the amount of state taxes and fees already paid. 2018 is the second year of a two-year legislative session, and the Legislature is on […]

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Tax Watch, Major Taxes and Fees Introduced in the California Legislature

California lawmakers introduced 33 bills and constitutional amendments that, if enacted, would increase taxes and fees by more than $269 billion annually — more than doubling the amount of state taxes and fees already paid. 2018 is the second year of a two-year legislative session, and already the Legislature is on track to introduce more […]

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Tax Watch

California lawmakers have proposed more taxes and fees in the first half of the 2017-18 legislative session than in all of 2015 or 2016. If each proposal became law, the tax burden in California would increase by more than $373 billion per year. To put this in context, all revenue in the 2017-18 State Budget is expected to bring in $178.4 billion.

Research & Studies
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Cap & Trade Auction Spending Proposals

The proposed spending is more than double the $3.09 billion in cap-and-trade auction spending included in Governor Jerry Brown’s proposed budget, and comes at a time when the spending of auction revenue is under scrutiny. The auctions are generating billions of dollars a year for programs that are unrelated to those who are required to pay, but the process was not approved by a two-thirds majority of lawmakers, as the California Constitution requires for tax increases.

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Piecing Together California’s Parcel Taxes, An In-depth Survey of Local Special Taxes on Property

The California Tax Foundation on October 1 released the state’s first comprehensive study of California parcel taxes, identifying more than $1.9 billion in parcel taxes imposed annually on property owners.

Research & Studies
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