

Hospital Industry in Southern California, Economic Impact Analysis

Economic analysis of health industry in Southern California

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Manufacturing Still a Force in Southern California

Overview of manufacturing in the Southern California counties

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The Aerospace Industry in Southern California


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2012 Otis Report on the Creative Economy of the Los Angeles Region

Sixth annual report on the economic impact of creative industries in the Los Angeles Region

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The Entertainment Industry and the Los Angeles County Economy

. . . describe the presence of the entertainment industry in the Los Angeles area economy, to estimate the impact the industry has on the local economy, and to identify both the challenges and opportunities facing the industry in the coming years.

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Updated Economic Analysis of California’s Climate Change Scoping Plan

. . . estimates the state-level economic effects of implementing the Scoping Plan measures.

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Understanding the Impact of AB 32

. . . comprehensive study to better understand the impacts AB 32 regulations will have on fuel markets, businesses, consumers and the California economy.

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The Economic Impact of the Affordable Care Act on California

“. . . estimate of the economic impact of the ACA, weighing factors that will generate jobs and enhance growth against those that will have a contradictory impact. “

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The Fiscal and Economic Impact of the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006

Fiscal and economic study of AB 32

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Obama Looks To Address Concerns About Regulatory Costs

President Obama assured donors earlier this week that the administration can tackle pollution without hurting consumers. Expect his nominee to run the Environmental Protection Agency, Gina McCarthy, to use a similar argument when she heads to Capitol Hill next week for a confirmation grilling by Republican senators.

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