
CEQA Reform Bill To Be Just An Outline

In one of his ongoing crusades, Gov. Jerry Brown last week referred to the 1972 California Environmental Quality Act as a “land mine” that often blocks needed development, and called once more for “some reasonable changes in the law.”

A supposed minesweeper of a bill is being introduced Friday, and it will be interesting to see what specific changes it proposes – if any, at this stage. As of Thursday afternoon, the bill’s co-authors, state Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento, and Sen. Michael Rubio, D-Bakersfield, were still, er, working on it.

“There will be an outline of a bill with detail intent,” Steinberg said in an interview with The Chronicle editorial board Thursday. Or, as his press secretary Rhys Williams explained, what comes out Friday “will signal the intent of where the law wants to go.”

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