
Most California school construction bonds, parcel taxes pass

With all precincts reporting but not all ballots counted, voters passed school construction bond measures in 89 of 112 K-12 and community college districts. And they passed parcel taxes in eight of the 13 school districts that had placed them on the ballot to create new sources of revenue or to extend existing parcel taxes.

Michael Coleman, the creator of the online California Local Government Finance Almanac and principal fiscal policy adviser to the League of California Cities, reported the results on Wednesday (see pages 17-21).

Voters tentatively approved both the school bonds and new taxes at about the same rates as in the past. They have historically passed 84 percent of school bonds requiring a 55 percent majority, according to Coleman. The tentative passage rate on Tuesday is 81 percent.

On school taxes, voters have historically passed 56 percent of the parcel taxes, according to Coleman. The tentative passage rate of 8 out of 13 on Tuesday would be 61 percent.

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