
U.S. Economy Is Slowing, Survey Says

The U.S. economy’s brief flirtation with 3% growth is over for now, economists say, cut short by a dimming global outlook, market tremors and sluggish business investment.

Gross domestic product, or the total value of goods and services produced in the U.S., grew at a 2.6% annual rate in the fourth quarter, economists estimate in a Wall Street Journal survey conducted this week. Output will grow at a 1.8% clip in the first quarter and a 2.5% rate in the second quarter, according to the poll.

That would average out to 2.3% growth for the nine-month period through this June—not bad, but slower than the 3% growth notched in the year through last September.

Economists believe a big slowdown in China’s economy and slower growth in Europe are holding back the U.S., reducing demand for American exports and making companies more reluctant to begin long-term projects.

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