
California Community College Faculty Groups Vote No Confidence In Chancellor

The California community college’s faculty association has voted a measure of no confidence in the administration of statewide chancellor Eloy Ortiz Oakley, citing what the professors’ organization said was a lack of proper consultation and concerns about college funding and the new online college.

The unanimous vote last week was aimed not just at Oakley but at the entire central administration of the chancellor’s office and how officials there are making major decisions without enough faculty input, according to Evan Hawkins, executive director of the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges (FACCC).

The no confidence vote is only the second in the organization’s 66 years and was intended to “send a message loud and clear,” Hawkins told EdSource.

Oakley’s office insists the chancellor and his top deputies pay attention to faculty opinions and said they recognize that reforms can be “challenging” to traditional practices at the colleges.

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