
Tesla Gets Shadowy CA Competitor

Tesla, Elon Musk’s famed electric car company, just lost a slice of the Golden State limelight.

Speculation has swirled around the debut of another entrant into California’s crowded, cutting-edge automotive industry. The company, known as Faraday Future, “has been hunting for a place to build what it says will be a $1 billion manufacturing plant for a new line of cars,” reported the San Francisco Chronicle. “Four states are contenders and the company says to expect an announcement within weeks.”

Contenders for the site included not only California but Georgia, Nevada and Louisiana, Faraday Future Product Development Chief Nick Sampson said, according to the Wall Street Journal. “Mr. Sampson is one of a team of former Tesla executives now leading Faraday Future. Like Tesla, Faraday Future is named after an inventor from the 19th century.”

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