
CalChamber Survey: California Voters Cite Roads, Jobs, Housing as Top Concerns

The Second Annual CalChamber Survey, released this week, indicates that the state’s voters believe there are some homegrown issues that deserve the attention of California legislators.

Among the top priorities for voters are fixing transportation systems, improving job creation, and addressing high housing costs.

Given a choice among about 20 issues, nearly nine in ten voters believe that Sacramento officials are not spending enough time on fixing roads, highways and bridges in California. Eight in ten voters believe state leaders should be working harder to encourage economic development to attract new businesses to California, and about three quarters of voters want to see more attention paid to addressing high housing costs

On the other hand, a majority of voters believe state elected officials are spending too much time providing tax credits to purchase electric cars (53%) and completing high speed rail (64%).

Voters continue to give low marks to transportation infrastructure. Fully 42% believe the repair and maintenance of roads, highways and bridges is poor and another 37% believe their condition is only fair. Only one in five voters rate transportation conditions as good (15%) or excellent (5%).

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