
Deep in red, Sacramento City school district’s budget rejected by county. Cuts are coming.

For the first time, the county Office of Education has disapproved Sacramento City Unified School District’s budget for the fiscal year due to deficits.

The district now has one month to file a revised budget for 2018-19, as announced during the district’s Thursday night board meeting.

In a budget report letter addressed to district Superintendent Jorge Aguilar dated Aug. 22, county Superintendent David Gordon says the district will meet its 2018-19 minimum reserve requirements, but will fall short by $22.1 million the next year and by $40 million in 2020-21.

. . . “This budget deficit threatens our ability to achieve our shared vision. Now more than ever, the district needs all stakeholders to collaborate on a long-term plan to balance our budget and stabilize costs,”

Aguilar wrote. Aguilar says that while state funds are increasing, “our projected costs exceed these resources.” Aguilar wrote that “pensions and other obligations” by the district, including benefits, exceed state revenues by $3 million.

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