

Choose up to four states or regions, then choose a category of indicators to compare. Expand any indicator for detailed comparison charts.

Diesel per Gallon {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Gasoline per Gallon {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Average Residential Electricity Bill {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Electricity Price Commercial {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Electricity Price Industrial {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Electricity Price Residential {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Natural Gas Price Commercial {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Natural Gas Price Industrial {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Natural Gas Price Residential {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Energy Production: Non-CO2 {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Energy Production: Solar & Wind {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
GHG Emissions: All Gases Per 100,000 People {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}