April 2014
Key Highlights for Policy Makers: Unemployment Rate Down for April 2014 Labor Force Participation Rate at Lowest Point in 38 Years Middle Class Jobs Still Behind Two-Tiered Economic Recovery Persists
Key Highlights for Policy Makers: Unemployment Rate Down for April 2014 Labor Force Participation Rate at Lowest Point in 38 Years Middle Class Jobs Still Behind Two-Tiered Economic Recovery Persists
Key Highlights for Policy Makers: Unemployment Rate Down for March 2014 Middle Class Jobs Still Behind Two-Tiered Economic Recovery Persists Recovery Still Lags Population Growth
SB 617 Rulemaking Documents
SB 617 (Chapter 496, Statutes of 2011) created a new process under which state agencies proposing the adoption, amendment, or repeal of major regulations are required to conduct an economic impact assessment. A major regulation has been defined by Department of Finance as a regulation that will have an economic impact on California businesses and individuals in an amount exceeding $50 million in any 12-month period. SB 617 is an important first step in ensuring that California regulations are prepared with consideration to their impacts on the economy, job creation, and the long-term health of the state’s fiscal situation.
Key Highlights for Policy Makers: Unemployment Rate Down for February 2014 Continued Lagging of Middle Class Job Growth Two-Tiered Economic Recovery Persists Personal Income Growth Slows
Key Highlights for Policy Makers: EDD Revision of the Labor Force and Employment Data Jobs Increase but Continued Lagging of Middle Class Job Growth Legislative District Data: Two-Tiered Economic Recovery Persists