

Select Geography

Choose up to four districts or regions, then choose a category of indicators to compare. Expand any indicator for detailed comparison charts.

Age Share: 25-54 (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Employed Share: Latino (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Employed Share: Other-Non Latino (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Employed Share: White (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Employed Share: White-Non Latino (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Labor Force Share: Asian (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Labor Force Share: Black (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Labor Force Share: Latino (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Labor Force Share: Other (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Labor Force Share: Other-Non Latino (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Labor Force Share: White (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Labor Force Share: White-Non Latino (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Population 16 and Over Share: Age 16-19 (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Population 16 and Over Share: Age 20-24 (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Population 16 and Over Share: Age 25-54 (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Population 16 and Over Share: Age 55-64 (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Population 16 and Over Share: Age 65+ (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Population 16 and Over Share: Asian (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Population 16 and Over Share: Black (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Population 16 and Over Share: Latino (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Population 16 and Over Share: Men (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Population 16 and Over Share: Other (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Population 16 and Over Share: Other-Non Latino (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Population 16 and Over Share: White (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Population 16 and Over Share: White-Non Latino (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Population 16 and Over Share: Women (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Population 25-64 Share: Bachelor's or Higher (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Population 25-64 Share: Below High School (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Population 25-64 Share: High School Diploma (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Population 25-64 Share: Some College (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Unemployed Share: Asian (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Unemployed Share: Black (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Unemployed Share: Latino (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Unemployed Share: Other (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Unemployed Share: Other-Non Latino (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Unemployed Share: White (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Unemployed Share: White-Non Latino (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Employed (Not Seasonally Adjusted) Per 1,000 People {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Employed Share: Age 16-19 (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Employed Share: Age 20-24 (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Employed Share: Age 25-54 (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Employed Share: Age 55-64 (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Employed Share: Asian (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Employed Share: Bachelor's or Higher (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Employed Share: Below High School (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Employed Share: High School Diploma (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Employed Share: Some College (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Labor Force (Not Seasonally Adjusted) Per 100,000 People {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Labor Force Participation Rate (Not Seasonally Adjusted) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Labor Force Share: Bachelor's or Higher (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Labor Force Share: Below High School (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Labor Force Share: High School Diploma (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Labor Force Share: Some College (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Unemployed (Not Seasonally Adjusted) Per 100,000 People {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Unemployed Share: Bachelor's or Higher (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Unemployed Share: Below High School (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Unemployed Share: High School Diploma (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Unemployed Share: Some College (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Unemployment Rate (Not Seasonally Adjusted) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Employed Share: Age 65+ (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Labor Force Share: Age 16-19 (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Labor Force Share: Age 20-24 (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Labor Force Share: Age 25-54 (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Labor Force Share: Age 55-64 (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Labor Force Share: Age 65+ (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Unemployed Share: Age 16-19 (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Unemployed Share: Age 20-24 (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Unemployed Share: Age 25-54 (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Unemployed Share: Age 55-64 (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}
Unemployed Share: Age 65+ (ACS 5yr) {{ latest_date }}
Change from {{ change_date }}