

Keeping California Competitive, What Will It Take?

This paper separates the real problems facing California from the misperceptions, then offers several thought starters on how companies – and government – might bolster competitiveness.

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An Economic Growth and Competitiveness Agenda for California

“. . . articulates a vision for success in building the Next Economy in California guided by a set of principles that must be agreed upon by stakeholders at all levels”

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Clusters of Opportunity Economic Strategy

The Economic Strategy for SLO County is being successfully implemented and is creating economic vitality through the collaboration of local business leaders across six business sectors. These cluster groups are dedicated to creating jobs and making it easier to conduct and grow business throughout the county.

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California’s Jobs and Future

The report and recommendations . . .are formulated to answer as directly and objectively as possible the goal of making the state competitive for the future by providing more and better jobs for its people and thereby increasing the economic well-being of all Californians.

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Regional Results: Promising Practices from the California Stewardship Network

. . . provides a window into 10 specific practices from 10 diverse regions, a sampling of innovations emerging from California’s grassroots. The purpose of this compendium is to encourage and educate other practitioners across the State about how to move forward with new approaches to regional problem-solving.

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Thriving Regions Lead to a Thriving State

“. . . shared agenda for action to promoting California’s Economic Recovery through Regional Strategies. Each region of California needs the necessary support to develop and implement a recovery strategy that reflects its own unique challenges, industry mix, and innovation assets based on shared principles”

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Invest in California: Plan for Job Creation and Economic Recovery

Policy recommendations for jobs creation.

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Protecting California Family Farms and Ranches

“. . . plan to educate, motivate and activate Californians to protect the state’s agricultural heritage while ensuring a safe and affordable food supply. “

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Forgotten Middle-Skill Jobs, meeting the Demands of a 21st Century Economy

Assesses demand and training needs for less-than-BA skilled positions.

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California’s Edge, Keeping California Competitive, Creating Opportunity.

Recommendations for improving skills training to match the needs of the 21st Century California economy.

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Summit Action Plan 2012

. . . provides a roadmap for promoting California’s jobs and competitiveness . . .presents recommendations on the state and local level to add value to our business climate by investing in infrastructure and people and reducing the cost of doing business by streamlining our complex regulatory process.

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The Bay Area Innovation System

. . .How the San Francisco Bay Area Became the World’s Leading Innovation Hub and What Will Be Necessary to Secure Its Future

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Benchmarking the Bay Area’s Environment for Entrepreneur-Led Start-Ups

“. . . assess the quality of the environment in the San Francisco Bay Area for entrepreneur-led start-ups. “

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The Bay Area: A Regional Economic Assessment

“. . . evaluates the state of the regional economy and what is supporting or inhibiting growth and job creation. “

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Next Steps Toward an ADEPT California, the 1994 Agenda of the Assembly Democratic Economic Prosperity Team (ADEPT)

Additional recommendations for improving California’s business climate

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