

Manufacturers: Shale Production Driving Manufacturing Renaissance

New Report Shows Shale Development Supporting Millions of Jobs and Boosting Income and Trade

Washington, D.C., September 4, 2013 – According to a report released today, the United States will continue to reap enormous economic and job-creation benefits from domestic oil and shale gas production.

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Monterey Shale and the Future of California

As the debate over the practice of hydraulic fracturing to reach deeply embedded oil heats up, listening to a discussion on the topic sponsored by Los Angeles’ BizFed Institute last week, I have the feeling we will see it happen. Or should I say continue to happen since fracking, as it is called, has been going on in California for 60 years.

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Coal Killer, How Natural Gas Fuels the Clean Energy Revolution

The rapid replacement of coal by cheaper and cleaner natural gas has helped drive emissions down in the United States more than any other country in the world in recent years. Cheap nautral gas is crushing domestic demand for coal and is the main reason for the rapid decline in US carbon emissions. The gas revolution offers a way for the United States and other nations to replace coal burning while accelerating the transition to zero-carbon energy.

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California Farms Face Labor Shortage As Farmworkers Age

SELMA — California’s $44 billion agricultural industry faces a worsening labor shortage as farmworkers age, more return home to Mexico and fewer new migrants arrive to replace them.

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California Oil and Gas Production Industry State Regulatory Delays

. . . estimates the total potential economic activity that is being held up by the delay in permits.

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Protecting California Family Farms and Ranches

“. . . plan to educate, motivate and activate Californians to protect the state’s agricultural heritage while ensuring a safe and affordable food supply. “

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California Agricultural Statistics Review

California crop and livestock statistics

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