
AM Alert: California Politicians Pitch “One Million” Challenges at Economic Summit

The California Economic Summit is trying to give state policymakers a new buzz phrase over the next decade: “one million.”

One million more skilled workers, to close a growing degree shortage driven by shifts in technology and educational expectations among industries. One million more homes for middle-income families, as soaring costs once again put buying out of reach for most Californians. And one million more acre-feet of water per year, representing a push for sustainable management of the state’s dwindling supplies.

It’s a tall order, but the summit, organized by California Forward and the California Stewardship Network, has some of the state’s top civic and business leaders on its side as it tries to align policy priorities across disparate regions to “advance shared prosperity.”

At its annual conference, taking place today in Ontario, Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, TreasurerJohn Chiang, Controller Betty Yee, University of California President Janet Napolitano and California State University President Timothy White will help lay out the summit’s agenda for 2016. (Secretary of State Alex Padilla was on hand yesterday to welcome attendees.)

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