
And The Winner Is: “Calbright” Will Be The Name For California’s New Community College

In looking for a new name for California’s fledgling Online Community College, officials wanted something that would attract potential students to the promise of a better future in the Golden State. They also wanted a more widely encompassing moniker for an institution that won’t be only online, despite its original title.

The somewhat surprising and unusual choice is: “Calbright College.”

There is no word “Calbright” in the English language and no intention to honor any person or place bearing that title. Instead, it is a wholly invented name, developed with the help of a marketing and branding firm and chosen recently by the college’s trustees from a list that started with more than 100 options.

It is supposed to evoke a positive image as the new state-funded and likely tuition-free community college begins its mission this fall to provide job-based training and education for adults without college degrees. The new school will become the state’s 115th community college, although a very non-traditional one.

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