
California school district pension contributions on track to exceed $11 billion by 2023

California school and community college districts are contributing $5.6 billion to CalSTRS and CalPERS during the current school year.  These contributions will total $6.7 billion in the next school year, and, according to CPC’s analysis of actuarial projections, they will reach $11.3 billion in the 2022-2023 school year.

In 2015-2016, CalPERS and CalSTRS collected $4.8 billion from California local educational authorities and have published district-by-district breakdowns of these payments. We compared the district level contribution data with total district revenues reported to the state’s Department of Education. On average, districts paid 4.86% of revenue to the pension systems. There was relatively little variation in pension contribution to revenue ratios across districts with the vast majority falling into a range of 4% to 6%.

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