
Editorial/Opinion: Reform CEQA And Get People Working Again

For over 40 years CEQA has protected our environment, spurred informed planning, and assured public input and involvement in community growth decisions. These aspects of CEQA – the ones that have helped preserve California’s natural resources and make it a better, healthier place to raise our families – must be preserved. Abuses of the law – primarily to stall projects, increase expenses for a competitor or negotiate a better labor agreement – however, have resulted in calls for reform from the Governor, the Legislature and businesses throughout California.

I have introduced Senate Bill 787, an approach which would move toward integrating newer – sometimes stricter – environmental and planning laws into California’s CEQA review process. This approach would eliminate the ability to challenge already adopted environmental standards or endlessly re-challenging approved plans through frivolous lawsuits. No more gaming CEQA for non-environmental purposes.

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