The informational graphic offers a glance at 24 key economic indicators, such as private sector jobs, taxable sales, average annual wages and building permits. It also provides wage and employment information on the six largest industry clusters in the county, which the Economic Vitality Corp. has identified in order to help such businesses grow and create more head-of-household jobs.
“Economics and statistics are (subjects) people get Ph.D.s in and study all their lives. The average person doesn’t have the ability to do that, but they can go to the web and see these metrics and see why they matter to them,” said Bruce Ray, chairman of the Economic Vitality Corp. Ray added that he views the Economic Dashboard as “an evolving opportunity — one where we continue making progress and adding to the dashboard, creating more valuable data that people can go to.”
Each economic indicator will change as the data becomes available — monthly, quarterly or annually. The Tribune will publish the Economic Dashboard quarterly.