This is an open letter to our California elected officials and those running for elected positions from local municipalities to the state level:
It doesn’t take much to “want” to open a business, but it takes a great deal of courage to start one. I come across quite a few individuals in my business who will discuss with me their desire to be self-employed. I encourage them, always! Some do; some don’t.
No one ever opens a business to fail! On the contrary, they open to provide financial stability to themselves and/or family. That financial benefit usually extends to employees because it’s what we want.
Many, to their chagrin, come to a stark realization of how difficult it is to understand what the different regulations are and what tax liabilities are imposed on them. Nonetheless, they keep marching on in hopes to eventually generate enough income to outsource those services to businesses specializing in compliance matters: lawyers, accountants, insurance agents, human resource specialists, and other professionals.
Regulations and taxes are necessary but when does it become too much? Folks, we’re already past that. Welcome to California’s business life!
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