
Jerry Brown to sign paid family leave expansion in California

Gov. Jerry Brown will sign legislation Monday increasing California’s paid family leave benefits for people who take time off to bond with a new child or care for a sick relative, his office said Friday.

The legislation, passed by the Legislature last month, will raise reimbursement rates to 70 percent of an employee’s paycheck for the state’s lowest wage earners. It will increase to 60 percent the reimbursement rate for private-sector workers earning up to about $108,000 a year.

California workers using the paid family leave program currently are entitled to reimbursement of 55 percent of their lost salaries for a maximum of six weeks.

The legislation, by Assemblyman Jimmy Gomez, D-Los Angeles, will take effect in 2018. The state’s Economic Development Department estimates increased payments of $348 million in that first year, rising to $587 million by 2021.

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