
Minimum Wage is ON the Rise but So Are Prices Across the Valley

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) –The new year poses new challenges for many businesses in California because minimum wage will increase from $9 to $10 an hour.

Casa de Tamales in the Tower District is among several valley restaurants which say they have no choice but to raise menu prices. “We’ve been trying to prepare for this for the past few months,” owner Liz Sanchez said. “We knew right away at the beginning of the year we would have to take a small price increase so we’ll definitely have to do that.”

An 8 percent price increase is expected and 18 of the 23 employees here will see a minimum wage pay hike. Some as much as $2,000 a year. The salary increase is good for workers but a challenge for small businesses. “We’re talking thousands of dollars on a monthly basis,” Sanchez said.

Sanchez says she’ll step up catering and delivery efforts.

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