
Officials Defend Incentive at Dairy Solar Dedication

Speakers were out in force Monday at the dedication of the new, 1-megawatt solar panel installation at Medeiros & Son dairy outside Hanford.

They had a message for Congress and President Barack Obama: Keep a 30 percent federal solar system tax credit that’s slated to expire Dec. 31, 2016.

Valadao supports extending the credit, which has facilitated a growing number of large solar installations in Kings County agriculture.

He and other speakers expressed concerns that ending the credit could slow that growth.

“Owing to the uncertainty caused by its pending expiration, businesses across the state are already adjusting their plans for project development in 2017,” said Bernadette Del Chiaro, executive director of the California Solar Energy Industries Association. “We shouldn’t risk a significant slowdown of solar energy by letting [it] expire.”

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