
Searching for Opportunity: Examining racial gaps in access to quality schools in California and a list of Spotlight Schools

Access to educational opportunity should be a right of every American child, not a privilege to which they are born. But too often we see that children are being denied access to opportunity, either through a lack of high-quality schools in their neighborhood or by not finding the support within their own schools to help them achieve their full potential.

For the past 18 years, GreatSchools has published school information and ratings, along with how-to articles and videos, to help parents find schools where their child will thrive. We’ve amassed the largest national school-level database, including data on student outcomes and access to resources, disaggregated by different groups of students. At the individual school level, these data allow parents to learn about their local schools, but in the aggregate, we can use them to hold up a mirror to our overall system and reflect on how we are collectively living up to the fundamental promise of public education — providing opportunity to all.

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