
SEIU Local 1000 contract deal includes delayed raise, $2,500 signing bonus

The state workers whose union called off a strike last week will have to wait until next summer for a raise under a tentative contract their leaders approved, but they’ll get a $2,500 bonus if they accept the deal.

Those are some of the details in a contract outline that SEIU Local 1000 distributed to its members Monday morning.

The value of the contract appears to be similar to the one Gov. Jerry Brown initially offered to the union, although it delays and reduces the impact of a new retiree health care contribution that will come out of employee paychecks in coming years. 

According to SEIU, employees would receive 4 percent raises on July 1, 2017, and on July 1, 2018. They would get a 3.5 percent wage hike on July 1, 2019.

Workers would receive signing bonuses after the Legislature approved the deal and Gov. Jerry Brown signed that legislation.

Employees would begin making contributions toward their retiree health benefits at a rate of 1.2 percent of their salary on July 1, 2018. That contribution would increase to 2.3 percent the following year.

Brown’s initial offer called for a raise of just under 12 percent spaced over four years that would be offset by retiree health contributions totaling 3.5 percent by 2019.

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