
Steinberg’s CEQA Overhaul Would Help Sacramento Arena

Senate President ProTem Darrell Steinberg today released details of his effort to overhaul California’s environmental law, including provisions that reduce the likelihood that urban infill projects like Sacramento’s proposed downtown arena would be subject to lawsuits that could stall construction.

A statement from Steinberg’s office said SB 731 would “accelerate the pace at which a Downtown Sacramento sports and entertainment complex would proceed through the environmental planning process.”

Steinberg, a Sacramento Democrat, Gov. Jerry Brown and a coalition of business and government groups have been pushing the idea of re-writing the 43-year-old California Environmental Quality Act for months. Environmental groups have been doubtful.

But Steinberg’s revised bill, Senate Bill 731, was received warmly by at least one environmental group that took a strong stand against earlier attempts to overhaul the law.

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