
Updated Legislative District Jobs Data

The jobs, wage, and establishment data has been updated through the latest, 2016:Q1 data from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW), through a special data run by the state Employment Development Department. This data is location based, providing information on the number and types of jobs and establishments operating within each district, and is provided for the Congressional, Senate, and Assembly Districts.

In his recently released Budget Proposal, the Governor highlighted the current pattern of jobs growth as one of the key factors behind the projected slowing revenues: 

Much of the employment growth since the budget signing has come from workers newly entering or reentering the labor force. Combined with the recent increases in the minimum wage, this means a greater share of wages is now going to lower‑income workers. For example, over the last four years, the percentage of wage and salary growth from high‑wage sectors dropped from 50 percent to 36 percent of total growth. From an income distribution standpoint, this is a positive development. From a revenue standpoint, however, this is negative due to California’s progressive tax structure.

Analysis of the updated jobs data shows how this two-tier wage trend is playing out on the district level. Two comparisons are shown in the following tables: (1) the shorter term annual job change from 2015:Q1 to 2016:Q1 and (2) the longer term shift in the local jobs structure that has occurred, comparing the pre-recession levels in 2007:Q1 to 2016:Q1. 

Looking at the annual changes between 2015:Q1 to 2016:Q1:

  • Most Senate Districts had positive growth in the number of private jobs; 3 districts saw reductions. Sixty-four Assembly Districts had private job growth, while the other 16 saw losses.
  • Growth, however, was highly concentrated. The top 5 Senate Districts contained 40% of the total jobs growth; the top two—SD 13 and SD 11—alone had 21%. The top 5 Assembly Districts contained 35% of total jobs growth; the top 2—AD 43 and AD 17—had 17%.
  • Over the year, the total number of private establishments declined by 1,235. Only 14 Senate Districts and 34 Assembly Districts saw gains.

The longer term trends showing the structural changes from just prior to the recession fully illustrate the shift identified in the Governor’s Proposed Budget:

  • Even with the gains over the past year, middle class blue collar jobs remained over 300,000 below the pre-recession level. Including the Social Assistance component of Healthcare, the lower wage industries paying near or at minimum wage accounted for nearly two-thirds of net jobs growth.
  • Most Senate Districts saw new job growth, while 6 districts still had yet to recover. For the Assembly Districts, 65 saw growth and 15 remained below recovery.
  • The top 5 Senate Districts contained 47% of net private jobs growth, while the top 2—SD 11 and SD 13—contained 30%. The top 5 Assembly Districts held 40% of net private jobs growth, while the top 2—AD 17 and AD 24—had 24%.
  • The top 2 Senate Districts—SD 11 and SD 13—posted a net increase of 132,000 higher wage jobs, while the remaining 38 districts showed a net loss of 114,000. In the Assembly, the top 2 districts—AD 17 and AD 24—contained a net increase of 113,000 higher wage jobs, while the other 78 districts had a loss of 94,000.

Rather than by industry, jobs are grouped by wage level based on an earlier analysis of contrasting job trends in the Bay Area and Los Angeles Regions:

  • Priv—total private jobs, which includes all industries except for Government.
  • HW—higher wage jobs generally requiring a college degree; covers Information, Finance & Insurance, Professional, Scientific & Technical Services, and Management of Companies & Enterprises.
  • MC-w—middle class wage, white collar jobs in industries generally paying over $40,000 a year and generally requiring some college education; covers Real Estate & Rental & Leasing, Educational Services, Arts, Entertainment & Recreation.
  • HC—Healthcare & Social Assistance combines many traditional middle class jobs with others requiring some of the highest educational levels with still others in Social Assistance that are part-time, minimum wage jobs supported by state and federal funds.
  • MC-b—middle class wage, blue collar jobs in industries paying over $40,000 a year but generally requiring less than a college education; covers Mining & Logging, Utilities, Construction, Manufacturing, Wholesale Trade, Transportation & Warehousing, and Administrative & Waste Services.
  • LW—lower wage jobs paying less than $40,000 a year and generally requiring less than a college education; covers Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting, Retail Trade, Accommodation & Food Services, and Other Services.
  • Gvt—government jobs, covering federal, state, and local.
  • Est—number of private establishments. 

In developing the following tables, there are two data issues to note. First, some of the individual industry data is suppressed due to nondisclosure requirements where an industry has few establishments or is dominated by one, primarily affecting Mining & Logging and Utilities. However, because overall employment levels are relatively smaller and subject to less change, these nondisclosure instances have little effect on the change numbers shown in the tables.

Second, IHSS positions were reclassified in 2013 from Other Services to Healthcare & Social Assistance. Correcting for this transfer would make the lower wage job change (2007:Q1 to 2016:Q1 only) over 200,000 higher, a correction that further emphasizes the wage impact conclusion in the Governor’s Proposed Budget.

Change in Jobs, 2015:Q1 to 2016:Q1, Assembly Districts

Change in Jobs, 2015:Q1 to 2016:Q1 District Rank
  Priv HW MC-w HC MC-b LW Gvt Est Priv HW MC-w HC MC-b LW Gvt Est
AD01 (Dahle-R) 1,933 152 884 105 571 484 558 -307 42 32 8 43 48 54 39 79
AD02 (Wood-D) 2,530 209 -20 286 569 1,410 891 -216 39 31 56 33 49 19 22 68
AD03 (Gallagher-R) 2,151 -158 -146 400 1,106 923 2,310 -260 41 51 65 27 38 33 7 77
AD04 (Aguiar-Curry-D) -998 -152 33 -395 478 -1,082 1,554 -90 71 50 52 64 52 77 10 46
AD05 (Bigelow-R) -2,642 84 -830 -2,850 696 298 2,772 -154 76 37 78 80 47 60 5 60
AD06 (Kiley-R) 3,599 -258 264 1,022 1,272 1,147 841 191 28 59 35 9 33 28 25 15
AD07 (McCarty-D) 6,934 1,259 -88 487 3,309 1,945 -10,418 -217 10 12 62 24 11 8 79 69
AD08 (Cooley-D) 1,759 -689 -635 308 3,059 119 -9 -64 44 70 77 31 14 64 67 43
AD09 (Cooper-D) 1,138 -981 79 262 -187 1,913 -74 -137 48 72 47 35 58 9 69 53
AD10 (Levine-D) 3,928 -73 495 60 2,005 1,390 651 -7 21 46 21 45 22 20 35 35
AD11 (Frazier-D) 999 -542 -152 217 831 713 1,190 -223 50 66 66 37 44 42 15 72
AD12 (Flora-R) 1,873 99 593 -233 -257 1,541 421 -56 43 36 17 59 59 18 52 41
AD13 (Eggman-D) 4,841 247 384 -1,169 3,841 550 794 -225 16 30 24 75 9 46 27 73
AD14 (Grayson-D) 2,766 442 502 -1,459 2,308 952 842 -152 35 21 20 76 20 31 24 59
AD15 (Thurmond-D) 3,684 715 348 469 1,447 765 -134 -28 25 16 26 25 30 39 72 37
AD16 (Baker-R) 9,138 2,930 83 503 1,787 3,904 1,029 226 6 6 46 23 27 2 17 13
AD17 (Chiu-D) 21,133 10,414 785 1,334 8,702 -305 20,049 -164 1 2 10 7 1 70 1 61
AD18 (Bonta-D) -2,460 -3,217 1,010 -624 50 398 -797 -222 75 80 4 71 56 58 74 71
AD19 (Ting-D) 2,662 1,412 -449 -411 -17 2,025 -22,564 -190 37 11 75 65 57 7 80 65
AD20 (Quirk-D) 7,288 334 -61 -136 5,831 1,245 438 -8 8 25 61 53 4 27 50 36
AD21 (Gray-D) 28 418 -610 -386 422 -163 482 -86 63 24 76 63 53 69 45 45
AD22 (Mullin-D) 13,598 5,663 1,257 -588 6,679 492 120 139 4 4 3 69 3 53 64 19
AD23 (Patterson-R) 2,413 817 798 413 754 -405 683 -65 40 15 9 26 46 71 33 44
AD24 (Berman-D) 10,549 8,935 1,417 2,187 -3,276 1,067 487 355 5 3 2 2 78 30 44 2
AD25 (Chu-D) 6,333 2,324 -248 824 1,064 2,164 435 270 14 7 70 13 39 5 51 7
AD26 (Mathis-R) 728 -7 -209 -351 1,829 -499 904 53 56 42 68 62 26 72 19 26
AD27 (Kalra-D) 3,624 273 300 -33 2,988 124 5,553 -120 26 29 32 48 15 63 2 50
AD28 (Low-D) 2,567 -2,074 55 -214 488 -136 -296 63 38 77 48 58 51 68 73 24
AD29 (Stone-D) 1,072 -395 218 -443 805 481 1,666 25 49 63 38 67 45 55 8 31
AD30 (Caballero-D) 138 -177 -51 -432 2,788 -2,080 466 -47 60 53 59 66 16 80 47 40
AD31 (Arambula-D) 2,664 68 90 857 1,242 521 981 -352 36 38 45 12 34 51 18 80
AD32 (Salas-D) -1,932 -304 -13 -675 -2,256 1,310 2,727 -254 74 61 55 72 73 25 6 75
AD33 (Obernolte-R) -623 -162 -384 245 -893 546 728 -209 69 52 74 36 64 48 29 67
AD34 (Fong-R) -4,118 -1,270 230 646 -4,344 717 -1,095 -129 79 75 37 18 80 41 75 52
AD35 (Cunningham-R) 308 702 16 742 -1,599 432 638 109 58 17 53 16 70 57 37 20
AD36 (Lackey-R) 3,247 -98 743 -81 1,750 883 474 -172 32 47 12 50 28 34 46 62
AD37 (Limón-D) 19 313 173 1,003 -986 -545 -111 270 64 26 42 11 65 73 71 7
AD38 (Acosta-R) 2,891 -237 51 124 1,986 748 313 140 33 56 49 40 24 40 58 18
AD39 (Bocanegra-D) 1,228 67 -32 -188 1,365 110 256 14 47 39 58 56 31 65 62 33
AD40 (Steinorth-R) -514 -432 687 694 -3,195 1,737 828 -140 68 64 14 17 77 15 26 55
AD41 (Holden-D) 326 -513 944 26 -692 528 156 25 57 65 5 46 63 50 63 31
AD42 (Mayes-R) 3,460 18 594 1,161 376 1,343 69 -115 29 41 16 8 54 23 66 48
AD43 (Friedman-D) 19,257 21,797 -30 -1,784 -2,234 1,334 899 -220 2 1 57 78 72 24 21 70
AD44 (Irwin-D) 55 298 522 89 881 -1,781 627 163 62 28 18 44 40 79 38 17
AD45 (Dababneh-D) 4,171 136 -234 627 3,459 -27 721 272 20 34 69 19 10 67 31 5
AD46 (Nazarian-D) 3,365 1,562 -51 122 -390 1,888 -76 45 30 10 59 41 60 10 70 28
AD47 (Reyes-D) 1,378 -150 -140 -893 851 1,773 1,383 -138 45 49 64 73 41 14 11 54
AD48 (Rubio-D) 762 -659 307 148 1,911 -991 735 -124 55 69 30 39 25 75 28 51
AD49 (Chau-D) -948 -1,492 306 -213 -681 845 873 -241 70 76 31 57 62 37 23 74
AD50 (Bloom-D) 130 533 341 2,130 -2,295 -657 389 271 61 19 27 3 74 74 56 6
AD51 (Gomez-D) 823 36 111 -1,138 834 951 657 -148 53 40 43 74 43 32 34 57
AD52 (Rodriguez-D) 1,327 -623 905 506 181 392 493 42 46 68 6 22 55 59 43 29
AD53 (Santiago-D) 3,702 1,234 893 1,866 -2,514 2,152 1,598 -185 24 13 7 5 75 6 9 64
AD54 (Ridley-Thomas-D) -161 -1,135 290 333 1,281 -1,067 1,166 167 66 74 34 30 32 76 16 16
AD55 (Chen-R) 842 308 698 802 -1,656 626 309 232 52 27 13 15 71 43 59 11
AD56 (Garcia-D) -125 -305 98 -23 1,593 -1,491 517 -116 65 62 44 47 29 78 40 49
AD57 (Calderon-D) 6,340 146 771 108 3,154 2,209 448 26 13 33 11 42 12 4 49 30
AD58 (Garcia-D) 4,182 606 -958 -508 849 4,113 -2,422 -57 19 18 79 68 42 1 77 42
AD59 (Jones-Sawyer-D) -1,173 -239 -377 -276 -988 594 -1,611 -256 73 57 73 60 66 44 76 76
AD60 (Cervantes-D) 3,357 -545 176 -132 2,559 1,263 902 8 31 67 40 52 18 26 20 34
AD61 (Medina-D) 7,365 108 661 388 4,361 1,817 3,460 -28 7 35 15 28 6 11 3 37
AD62 (Burke-D) 6,815 -2,911 175 -164 7,988 1,795 70 86 11 79 41 55 2 12 65 23
AD63 (Rendon-D) -3,054 424 39 156 -4,248 513 363 -141 78 23 50 38 79 52 57 56
AD64 (Gipson-D) 3,871 -1,056 518 -34 3,976 -11 -28 -180 23 73 19 49 8 66 68 63
AD65 (Quirk-Silva-D) -505 -751 -2,581 -151 1,239 1,377 727 51 67 71 80 54 35 21 30 27
AD66 (Muratsuchi-D) 860 514 -5 1,346 -1,350 210 398 231 51 20 54 6 69 61 55 12
AD67 (Melendez-R) 2,878 -11 315 604 1,210 582 462 95 34 43 28 20 37 45 48 22
AD68 (Choi-R) -3,029 1,699 393 -2,724 -2,934 462 713 334 77 9 23 79 76 56 32 3
AD69 (Daly-D) 6,249 -217 -361 2,067 2,656 1,373 1,383 -30 15 55 72 4 17 22 11 39
AD70 (O’Donnell-D) -1,038 -203 376 -603 -1,167 540 644 -291 72 54 25 70 68 49 36 78
AD71 (Voepel-R) 4,349 -124 234 278 3,146 853 275 55 18 48 36 34 13 36 61 25
AD72 (Allen-R) 3,620 -37 218 -314 2,016 1,779 515 -108 27 44 38 61 21 13 41 47
AD73 (Brough-R) -4,513 -2,257 294 -1,586 -1,090 167 405 267 80 78 33 77 67 62 53 9
AD74 (Harper-R) 16,934 4,805 2,310 2,357 4,206 3,382 278 682 3 5 1 1 7 3 60 1
AD75 (Waldron-R) 3,903 -291 315 1,012 1,225 1,681 1,218 104 22 60 28 10 36 16 14 21
AD76 (Chávez-R) 4,707 1,015 -337 804 1,992 1,106 3,153 319 17 14 71 14 23 29 4 4
AD77 (Maienschein-R) 6,367 442 -112 567 4,597 836 399 245 12 21 63 21 5 38 54 10
AD78 (Gloria-D) 6,964 2,114 492 303 2,481 1,577 -2,961 219 9 8 22 32 19 17 78 14
AD79 (Weber-D) 225 -256 -191 364 -551 881 1,265 -207 59 58 67 29 61 35 13 66
AD80 (Gonzalez-D) 816 -42 38 -98 560 549 507 -150 54 45 51 51 50 47 42 58
    Tot Districts 231,330 50,629 15,524 10,043 81,804 63,305 37,662 -1,235

Change in Jobs, 2015:Q1 to 2016:Q1, Senate Districts

Change in Jobs, 2015:Q1 to 2016:Q1 District Rank
  Priv HW MC-w HC MC-b LW Gvt Est Priv HW MC-w HC MC-b LW Gvt Est
SD01 (Gaines-R) 4,520 818 79 728 1,850 1,189 1,761 -199 20 11 28 12 22 27 12 23
SD02 (McGuire-D) 4,114 383 313 467 588 2,278 1,391 -356 21 15 23 17 30 13 17 35
SD03 (Dodd-D) 1,042 -1,243 494 -1,460 3,102 1 3,502 -178 34 34 16 38 15 35 4 22
SD04 (Nielsen-R) 4,727 -225 -48 1,181 2,212 1,663 3,009 -307 18 25 31 7 20 23 5 30
SD05 (Galgiani-D) 4,667 -715 407 -1,641 3,129 2,424 676 -371 19 31 19 39 14 11 28 36
SD06 (Pan-D) 8,692 1,014 -972 643 4,551 3,418 -10,175 -329 10 10 39 15 9 5 40 32
SD07 (Glazer-D) 13,122 3,709 58 223 4,339 4,897 1,281 86 6 6 29 21 10 1 18 12
SD08 (Berryhill-R) 3,886 -497 1,298 664 3,480 -819 2,784 -118 23 28 5 14 12 38 8 20
SD09 (Skinner-D) 1,226 -2,545 1,366 -177 1,542 1,164 -911 -244 32 39 3 29 23 28 35 27
SD10 (Wieckowski-D) 13,635 2,670 -282 711 6,730 3,531 620 283 5 7 36 13 4 4 29 8
SD11 (Wiener-D) 23,745 11,823 335 921 8,666 1,692 -2,515 -355 2 3 22 10 1 21 39 34
SD12 (Cannella-R) -4,404 419 -170 -3,540 1,439 -2,530 886 -292 40 14 33 40 24 40 26 29
SD13 (Hill-D) 24,249 14,609 2,675 1,585 3,420 1,625 601 499 1 2 2 3 13 24 30 5
SD14 (Vidak-R) 2,476 233 -137 207 -766 3,036 2,972 -429 27 17 32 22 35 8 6 38
SD15 (Beall-D) 6,483 -1,835 480 -212 7,843 123 5,363 -102 16 38 17 31 2 32 1 18
SD16 (Fuller-R) -4,176 -1,529 355 740 -4,231 616 -345 -173 39 37 21 11 39 29 34 21
SD17 (Monning-D) 1,316 311 144 -64 821 -35 2,962 212 31 16 25 27 28 37 7 11
SD18 (Hertzberg-D) 8,005 5,047 -216 276 660 2,000 247 57 13 5 34 19 29 19 31 13
SD19 (Jackson-D) 289 1 459 1,760 377 -2,376 -66 257 37 21 18 2 32 39 32 9
SD20 (Leyva-D) 2,705 -773 765 -387 1,159 2,165 1,876 -96 26 32 11 33 26 14 11 17
SD21 (Wilk-R) 4,010 -96 528 -208 2,452 1,236 1,180 -232 22 22 14 30 18 26 21 25
SD22 (Hernandez-D) 1,995 -1,478 906 -15 2,314 8 1,552 -235 29 35 8 26 19 34 14 26
SD23 (Morrell-R) 1,074 -601 514 1,187 -2,785 2,763 1,559 -321 33 29 15 6 37 9 13 31
SD24 (de León-D) 1,886 465 1,174 -151 -1,799 2,056 1,958 -335 30 12 6 28 36 17 10 33
SD25 (Portantino-D) 15,823 17,379 697 -1,266 -3,140 2,001 1,080 -199 3 1 12 37 38 18 22 23
SD26 (Allen-D) 8,292 -2,863 828 4,096 6,301 -10 1,397 900 12 40 10 1 6 36 16 2
SD27 (Stern-D) 7,368 188 362 441 5,551 389 1,258 535 14 18 20 18 7 30 19 4
SD28 (Stone-R) 6,681 -135 1,081 1,200 2,661 1,791 1,525 289 15 23 7 5 16 20 15 7
SD29 (Newman-D) 3,617 -617 1,335 601 -89 2,360 992 250 24 30 4 16 34 12 24 10
SD30 (Mitchell-D) 2,761 1,893 217 140 -62 359 -1,012 -400 25 8 24 25 33 31 36 37
SD31 (Roth-D) 10,722 -437 837 256 6,923 3,080 4,362 -20 7 26 9 20 3 7 2 15
SD32 (Mendoza-D) 5,186 426 -2,261 143 2,536 4,372 -1,882 -110 17 13 40 24 17 2 38 19
SD33 (Lara-D) -3,520 -186 -965 -409 -5,369 3,325 1,213 -451 38 24 38 34 40 6 20 39
SD34 (Nguyen-R) 8,746 -470 -315 1,251 4,910 2,541 2,072 -69 9 27 37 4 8 10 9 16
SD35 (Bradford-D) 2,109 -1,502 96 -888 2,088 1,691 -171 -290 28 36 27 36 21 22 33 28
SD36 (Bates-R) 310 -1,230 -38 -787 1,023 1,258 3,559 584 36 33 30 35 27 25 3 3
SD37 (Moorlach-R) 14,126 6,446 2,699 -347 1,254 4,073 994 1,029 4 4 1 32 25 3 23 1
SD38 (Anderson-R) 8,612 1,702 -280 1,026 4,088 2,092 820 38 11 9 35 8 11 15 27 14
SD39 (Atkins-D) 10,244 60 639 1,003 6,501 2,066 -1,621 440 8 19 13 9 5 16 37 6
SD40 (Hueso-D) 969 10 126 145 532 123 908 -483 35 20 26 23 31 32 25 40
   Tot Districts 231,330 50,629 15,583 10,043 86,801 63,636 37,662 -1,235

Change in Jobs, 2007:Q1 to 2016:Q1, Assembly Districts

Change in Jobs, 2015:Q1 to 2016:Q1 District Rank
  Priv HW MC-w HC MC-b LW Gvt Est Priv HW MC-w HC MC-b LW Gvt Est
AD01 (Dahle-R) -4,883 -2,729 -634 6,522 -7,027 -857 4,522 2,109 72 53 72 56 59 78 34 74
AD02 (Wood-D) 5,564 -1,596 11 8,785 -4,284 2,386 3,348 3,792 47 41 46 30 43 56 44 53
AD03 (Gallagher-R) 6,887 -1,573 -626 7,128 -1,453 3,339 3,922 3,907 40 40 71 46 23 46 40 51
AD04 (Aguiar-Curry-D) 5,826 -1,309 -571 5,946 -5,035 6,571 -3,399 4,096 43 38 68 62 46 18 75 45
AD05 (Bigelow-R) -1,403 -1,740 -239 1,750 -3,709 2,411 1,890 1,974 69 43 58 80 39 55 52 78
AD06 (Kiley-R) 9,434 415 -1,379 10,447 -5,410 4,801 1,172 3,092 32 17 77 16 50 28 59.5 62
AD07 (McCarty-D) 8,205 -5,358 -613 9,515 101 4,288 -10,669 8,051 38 70 69 26 15 35 77 14
AD08 (Cooley-D) -11,451 -11,744 254 7,924 -5,553 -2,410 9,282 5,228 78 80 41 37 52 80 7 31
AD09 (Cooper-D) 9,440 -1,610 268 9,311 -3,331 4,617 5,903 5,768 31 42 40 28 36 31 19 25
AD10 (Levine-D) 5,631 -6,928 163 6,672 387 4,924 5,500 3,677 45 75 43 53 14 26 24 55
AD11 (Frazier-D) 11,087 -214 -49 9,679 -1,172 2,784 4,626 3,370 26 24 48 25 20 50 33 57
AD12 (Flora-R) 12,587 -806 1,231 6,551 -1,930 7,265 1,172 3,552 23 33 19 54 27 15 59.5 56
AD13 (Eggman-D) 5,644 -2,355 -930 5,083 3,368 -426 5,521 3,298 44 48 75 75 7 76 23 61
AD14 (Grayson-D) -7,702 -6,568 1,124 5,300 -7,714 58 2,089 3,080 77 74 23 71 60 74 51 64
AD15 (Thurmond-D) 9,583 -3,400 -229 7,455 512 4,640 -552 5,020 30 60 56 42 13 29 70 33
AD16 (Baker-R) 19,489 7,604 2,673 9,421 -6,013 5,664 -5,050 2,458 12 6 7 27 57 22 76 72
AD17 (Chiu-D) 115,649 55,753 4,214 19,704 14,797 17,951 26,872 18,067 1 2 4 3 1 1 2 2
AD18 (Bonta-D) 17,338 -2,013 411 14,082 -1,844 6,259 5,395 9,797 14 47 35 7 25 20 25 8
AD19 (Ting-D) 19,673 2,562 2,308 7,644 -80 6,731 -15,014 8,022 10 9 10 39 17 16 79 15
AD20 (Quirk-D) 8,786 -4,444 -62 3,202 6,733 3,073 2,113 4,680 36 66 49 78 5 47 50 36
AD21 (Gray-D) 5,629 -2,749 -472 6,257 -2,007 4,253 5,211 3,316 46 54 63 57 28 36 26 60
AD22 (Mullin-D) 33,580 17,463 2,615 5,484 2,494 4,519 2,363 2,819 4 4 8 70 8 32 47 67
AD23 (Patterson-R) 9,181 -3,715 858 10,227 -5,703 7,292 5,098 5,265 33 64 29 19 54 14 27 29
AD24 (Berman-D) 70,316 56,782 6,004 15,784 -17,090 7,660 3,810 4,055 2 1 1 4 79 11 42 47
AD25 (Chu-D) 31,637 14,703 1,221 11,749 -1,212 4,332 917 6,065 5 5 20 13 21 34 63 23
AD26 (Mathis-R) 8,206 -1,258 -277 2,251 57 7,357 3,257 1,903 37 36 59 79 16 13 45 79
AD27 (Kalra-D) 21,836 1,951 920 7,479 7,959 3,370 4,919 6,905 9 10 28 40 4 45 31 19
AD28 (Low-D) 25,962 1,901 1,439 7,152 -7,915 6,066 1,003 3,913 8 11 15 44.5 63 21 62 50
AD29 (Stone-D) 3,993 -4,926 1,116 6,062 -3,639 5,085 4,460 2,794 51 68 24 60 38 24 35 69
AD30 (Caballero-D) 8,940 -2,356 -518 5,261 -3,465 9,922 2,200 4,174 34 49 66 73 37 7 49 43
AD31 (Arambula-D) 17,253 -681 -27 10,319 1,014 6,579 6,156 7,295 15 31 47 18 11 17 18 17
AD32 (Salas-D) 17,454 -511 -121 3,638 1,438 13,085 6,829 3,003 13 26 52 77 9 4 16 66
AD33 (Obernolte-R) 1,296 -2,380 -954 6,523 -1,448 -503 3,940 4,557 61 50 76 55 22 77 39 38
AD34 (Fong-R) 9,909 -723 293 6,677 -5,216 8,812 5,004 1,783 29 32 38 52 48 9 29 80
AD35 (Cunningham-R) 13,585 -675 -232 5,529 -1,707 10,440 4,788 3,083 22 30 57 69 24 6 32 63
AD36 (Lackey-R) 5,119 -1,157 573 8,404 -4,182 1,324 7,801 6,985 49 35 32 32 41 64 12 18
AD37 (Limón-D) -764 -2,820 -76 5,239 -5,812 2,446 5,080 2,092 68 56 50 74 55 54 28 76
AD38 (Acosta-R) 1,560 -4,478 334 7,457 -4,614 2,575 1,778 4,057 58 67 37 41 44 52 55 46
AD39 (Bocanegra-D) 659 -1,888 -493 12,854 -10,111 137 8,081 8,995 64 45 65 10 71 73 11 12
AD40 (Steinorth-R) 27,152 1,109 1,128 10,742 11,247 2,790 8,261 5,190 7 12 22 15 2 49 10 32
AD41 (Holden-D) -5,786 -10,017 -915 13,651 -11,235 2,325 1,174 6,250 74 79 74 9 73 57 58 22
AD42 (Mayes-R) 3,009 -3,543 689 9,965 -8,239 3,990 1,854 4,549 53 61 31 23 64 37 53.5 39
AD43 (Friedman-D) 58,124 27,837 4,841 25,218 -5,588 5,050 4,106 26,550 3 3 3 1 53 25 36 1
AD44 (Irwin-D) 860 -2,764 1,647 6,253 -12,261 7,729 5,703 2,818 63 55 14 58 75 10 21 68
AD45 (Dababneh-D) -1,506 -8,473 -174 14,454 -9,583 2,298 9,615 9,272 70 78 54 6 69 58 6 10
AD46 (Nazarian-D) 15,111 108 184 14,868 -4,282 3,653 7,729 11,280 19 21 42 5 42 40 13 5
AD47 (Reyes-D) -7,203 -5,596 30 5,548 -7,822 542 16,109 4,794 75 72 45 68 61 72 4 35
AD48 (Rubio-D) -4,555 -1,570 -2,258 7,762 -9,177 -56 -613 5,443 71 39 79 38 67 75 71 27
AD49 (Chau-D) 6,905 -1,879 -297 13,869 -6,757 3,701 1,107 12,227 39 44 60 8 58 39 61 4
AD50 (Bloom-D) 28,462 -7,279 2,486 21,460 -5,111 15,159 4,072 12,609 6 76 9 2 47 2 37 3
AD51 (Gomez-D) 6,826 -1,914 487 8,723 -2,216 1,408 -91,363 9,685 41 46 34 31 29 63 80 9
AD52 (Rodriguez-D) 1,379 -930 949 9,956 -9,584 681 -1,582 4,428 60 34 27 24 70 70 74 40
AD53 (Santiago-D) 10,147 -5,204 5,188 10,102 -15,014 13,298 35,871 9,969 28 69 2 21 77 3 1 7
AD54 (Ridley-Thomas-D) -36,447 -5,428 1,284 10,147 893 5,188 0 10,073 80 71 18 20 12 23 68 6
AD55 (Chen-R) 1,398 -2,401 1,407 6,242 -8,499 3,585 111 4,368 59 51 16 59 65 41 66 41
AD56 (Garcia-D) 6,567 -536 114 8,279 -2,601 1,188 2,929 6,376 42 27 44 34 31 66 46 20
AD57 (Calderon-D) -12,086 -2,848 -158 10,332 -21,667 1,740 -22 5,232 79 57 53 17 80 62 69 30
AD58 (Garcia-D) 4,579 -2,857 -2,250 8,012 -3,315 4,621 -1,059 5,997 50 58 78 36 35 30 72 24
AD59 (Jones-Sawyer-D) -190 -53 -197 9,228 -8,765 1,746 10,229 9,127 66 22 55 29 66 61 5 11
AD60 (Cervantes-D) 3,014 411 799 5,284 -5,379 2,016 9,167 4,015 52 18 30 72 49 59 8 49
AD61 (Medina-D) 14,173 -4,345 292 7,008 10,506 707 3,849 4,988 20 65 39 48 3 69 41 34
AD62 (Burke-D) 19,567 3,913 1,323 5,610 -972 9,178 5,779 7,822 11 8 17 66 19 8 20 16
AD63 (Rendon-D) 5,231 665 -756 6,880 -3,967 2,483 4,045 5,656 48 13 73 49 40 53 38 26
AD64 (Gipson-D) 14,114 -3,276 -77 8,399 6,076 2,982 6,876 8,590 21 59 51 33 6 48 15 13
AD65 (Quirk-Silva-D) 618 -374 -2,458 4,418 -4,850 3,490 589 3,336 65 25 80 76 45 43 65 59
AD66 (Muratsuchi-D) 1,699 -588 1,152 12,228 -15,495 3,522 4,997 4,031 57 28 21 12 78 42 30 48
AD67 (Melendez-R) 15,127 592 355 6,849 -353 7,501 1,854 3,713 17 14 36 50 18 12 53.5 54
AD68 (Choi-R) -635 585 3,334 6,020 -11,964 830 1,556 2,598 67 15 5 61 74 67 57 70
AD69 (Daly-D) 2,875 -7,301 -473 5,804 -5,976 1,312 3,411 2,467 55 77 64 63 56 65 43 71
AD70 (O’Donnell-D) 2,418 578 514 7,157 -9,539 3,477 2,332 6,260 56 16 33 43 68 44 48 21
AD71 (Voepel-R) 2,972 -1,272 -330 5,802 -3,050 1,933 -1,266 3,004 54 37 61 64 33 60 73 65
AD72 (Allen-R) 1,093 -3,699 -618 7,112 -5,504 3,889 21 4,569 62 63 70 47 51 38 67 37
AD73 (Brough-R) -5,020 -622 1,066 5,634 -7,867 -1,852 758 2,105 73 29 25 65 62 79 64 75
AD74 (Harper-R) 11,619 409 1,814 12,433 -10,278 6,438 1,703 4,299 24 19 12 11 72 19 56 42
AD75 (Waldron-R) -7,366 -2,444 -569 7,152 -12,371 642 6,330 2,058 76 52 67 44.5 76 71 17 77
AD76 (Chávez-R) 10,436 116 1,789 5,574 -2,287 4,875 8,273 2,355 27 20 13 67 30 27 9 73
AD77 (Maienschein-R) 16,394 4,942 2,676 9,984 -2,679 776 24,879 3,365 16 7 6 22 32 68 3 58
AD78 (Gloria-D) 15,115 -3,697 2,057 6,742 -3,305 12,197 -11,925 3,873 18 62 11 51 34 5 78 52
AD79 (Weber-D) 8,832 -5,832 1,011 11,004 -1,883 4,439 6,962 4,161 35 73 26 14 26 33 14 44
AD80 (Gonzalez-D) 11,171 -141 -334 8,108 1,079 2,582 5,686 5,394 25 23 62 35 10 51 22 28
    Tot Districts 776,928 18,812 46,280 686,480 -319,450 342,873 231,445 440,993

Change in Jobs, 2007:Q1 to 2016:Q1, Senate Districts

Change in Jobs, 2015:Q1 to 2016:Q1 District Rank
  Priv HW MC-w HC MC-b LW Gvt Est Priv HW MC-w HC MC-b LW Gvt Est
SD01 (Gaines-R) -6,504 -3,055 -2,362 11,670 -13,338 304 8,648 4,221 40 17 36 33 31 40 17 40
SD02 (McGuire-D) 10,090 -6,061 -124 15,939 -6,412 6,116 7,936 8,512 26 31 28 20 16 25 19 24
SD03 (Dodd-D) 10,296 -6,948 423 12,462 -5,183 9,201 2,499 6,013 23 33 22 29 13 12 34 33
SD04 (Nielsen-R) 14,147 -3,427 -772 19,102 -4,637 3,668 4,407 8,840 18 20 34 11 12 34 29 21
SD05 (Galgiani-D) 10,206 -5,673 155 11,584 -2,989 5,976 6,002 5,876 25 28 26 34 11 27 24 34
SD06 (Pan-D) 11,304 -12,044 -317 18,802 -2,970 7,477 -1,148 14,820 20 38 31 13 10 18 37 8
SD07 (Glazer-D) 19,159 4,095 2,932 17,391 -12,767 6,887 -3,361 5,814 14 7 8 18 30 23 38 35
SD08 (Berryhill-R) 6,460 -9,529 1,276 16,673 -11,367 8,984 8,246 8,779 30 36 15 19 26 13 18 23
SD09 (Skinner-D) 26,979 -5,368 196 21,819 -1,538 10,854 4,821 14,784 11 27 24 9 9 10 26 9
SD10 (Wieckowski-D) 39,260 9,537 1,335 14,647 4,254 8,333 3,054 10,453 6 5 14 26 5 14 33 16
SD11 (Wiener-D) 135,101 58,739 5,880 27,188 14,726 24,838 11,911 26,059 1 2 3 3 2 2 8 2
SD12 (Cannella-R) 27,964 -3,359 -323 8,110 2,697 20,730 10,090 7,922 10 18 32 40 6 3 13 25
SD13 (Hill-D) 106,285 73,917 9,575 21,064 -12,529 12,369 6,280 6,892 2 1 1 10 28 9 22 29
SD14 (Vidak-R) 30,912 -635 -353 12,439 1,241 18,282 11,662 8,793 9 14 33 30 7 4 9 22
SD15 (Beall-D) 45,978 4,412 1,826 15,648 15,361 8,228 5,655 10,848 4 6 11 23 1 15 25 15
SD16 (Fuller-R) 16,408 -2,308 164 9,958 -5,789 14,223 13,979 4,455 17 15 25 39 15 6 4 38
SD17 (Monning-D) 11,568 -4,862 427 10,575 -5,523 10,374 6,947 6,110 19 25 21 37 14 11 20 32
SD18 (Hertzberg-D) 7,626 -5,730 -2,521 26,554 -15,612 4,251 16,349 19,163 27 29 38 4 33 32 2 5
SD19 (Jackson-D) 6,210 -5,833 -201 11,270 -12,546 13,190 13,922 5,300 32 30 30 35 29 7 5 36
SD20 (Leyva-D) -5,824 -6,526 979 15,504 -17,342 1,223 14,527 9,222 39 32 18 24 35 39 3 19
SD21 (Wilk-R) 11,056 -3,870 1,411 15,882 -6,654 4,027 6,411 12,132 21 21 13 22 17 33 21 14
SD22 (Hernandez-D) -2,455 -4,344 -2,395 21,839 -20,077 2,838 3,463 18,031 37 24 37 8 37 35 31 7
SD23 (Morrell-R) 33,021 -203 535 17,954 6,639 7,882 9,730 9,985 8 12 20 16 3 16 14 18
SD24 (de León-D) 17,762 -7,669 3,365 22,625 -8,733 7,366 -62,435 21,931 15 35 7 6 22 19 40 4
SD25 (Portantino-D) 56,703 24,853 5,449 35,168 -17,133 7,165 4,648 30,022 3 3 4 1 34 21 28 1
SD26 (Allen-D) 36,905 -21,788 7,234 30,510 -7,179 26,017 294 18,101 7 40 2 2 19 1 35 6
SD27 (Stern-D) -827 -12,082 -109 23,548 -18,718 5,351 10,266 12,405 35 39 27 5 36 29 12 12
SD28 (Stone-R) 7,603 -3,373 649 14,336 -10,681 6,018 4,745 6,726 28 19 19 27 25 26 27 31
SD29 (Newman-D) 1,949 -3,894 2,110 10,520 -15,367 7,091 177 7,718 34 22 10 38 32 22 36 26
SD30 (Mitchell-D) 42,243 10,755 1,113 22,244 -8,510 15,329 22,447 22,066 5 4 16 7 21 5 1 3
SD31 (Roth-D) 17,187 -3,934 1,091 12,292 4,663 2,723 13,016 9,003 16 23 17 31 4 37 7 20
SD32 (Mendoza-D) -5,798 -5,048 -3,820 17,487 -20,125 5,163 -3,403 10,375 38 26 40 17 38 30 39 17
SD33 (Lara-D) -1,526 126 -3,132 15,887 -21,448 6,577 8,815 13,338 36 10 39 21 39 24 16 11
SD34 (Nguyen-R) 6,263 -10,291 -785 11,893 -8,876 4,641 4,046 6,772 31 37 35 32 23 31 30 30
SD35 (Bradford-D) 10,249 -2,637 312 14,221 -7,485 5,433 11,384 13,547 24 16 23 28 20 28 10 10
SD36 (Bates-R) 4,872 -583 2,840 11,215 -10,549 2,791 9,043 4,423 33 13 9 36 24 36 15 39
SD37 (Moorlach-R) 10,529 789 5,110 18,629 -22,652 7,272 3,340 6,930 22 8 5 14 40 20 32 28
SD38 (Anderson-R) 7,193 144 1,543 14,896 -11,740 2,305 6,004 5,104 29 9 12 25 27 38 23 37
SD39 (Atkins-D) 22,873 -7,463 3,943 18,879 -6,983 12,654 13,850 7,207 13 34 6 12 18 8 6 27
SD40 (Hueso-D) 26,239 -18 -199 18,056 -50 7,819 10,466 12,301 12 11 29 15 8 17 11 13
   Tot Districts 825,666 18,812 44,460 686,480 -303,921 341,970 228,733 440,993