

How Affordable is the Affordable Care Act?

You’re not alone if you can’t afford your health insurance obligations, whether you’re struggling to pay your monthly premium or facing thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket costs.

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Union Group Submits 2016 Initiative to Boost California’s Minimum Wage

One of the state’s largest and most active health care unions — SEIU United Healthcare Workers West — submitted an initiative on Monday to boost California’s statewide minimum wage to $15 an hour by the year 2021.

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Cutbacks Still Felt Deeply In California’s Civil Courts

Since 2008, according to the Judicial Council of California, thousands of court staffers have lost jobs while 52 courthouses and more than 200 courtrooms have been shuttered. In some counties, residents must now make a long drive to a different city to simply pay a fine; in all, the council estimates that 2.1 million Californians have lost access to a courtroom in their community.

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