

Brown’s two key sentences

SACRAMENTO — Gov. Jerry Brown spoke only two sentences about streamlining environmental regulations in his State of the State address. But they inspired reformers to cheer.

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California Job Growth Slows in December as Payroll Shrinks

After adding jobs at a steady clip through most of last year, California’s employment engine lost steam in December as employers reduced payrolls by 17,500 net positions.

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State’s Health Insurance Exchange Gets $674 Million Federal Grant

Federal officials awarded California’s new health insurance exchange a $674-million grant, providing money for a crucial marketing campaign aimed at millions of uninsured consumers.

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California Unemployment Rate Remained at 9.8% last Month

California’s labor market slowed last month as employers shed 17,500 jobs in December and the unemployment rate remained unchanged.

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California’s housing market finishes 2012 on a high note

California’s median home price struck a four-year high for a December, indicating housing will probably continue to mend in the new year.

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California Manufacturing Jobs Fall Through The Cracks

The shutdown of a 102-year-old California manufacturing company points to a major flaw in California’s industrial development policy:

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Gov. Jerry Brown Wants To “Calibrate” Environmental Rules

An early environmental leader as California’s governor nearly four decades ago, Jerry Brown is now easing restrictions for oil companies and talking about overhauling the state’s landmark environmental law to boost the economy.

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