

Dan Walters: California’s Academic Ratings Targeted for Repeal

However, the staff recommendation before the state school board is to eliminate the API and “identify the obsolete and outdated references to the API that need to be removed” as part of its repeal, implying that the parent trigger law should also die.

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CA Students Struggle on Nationwide Exams

California fared poorly in the latest round of a bellwether series of key elementary and middle-school tests. “What’s sometimes called the Nation’s Report Card, a sampling of fourth- and eighth-graders in reading and math, painted a dismal picture of a state that insists it is prioritizing K-12 education, on which it is spending $53 billion this fiscal year,” the San Jose Mercury News noted.

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Opinion: These Middle-Class Jobs Start with Apprenticeships

If you follow the headlines, you might not think that these jobs still exist. But they do, and many of them are in the building trades.

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Looming Deficits Could Push LA Unified into Bankruptcy, Panel Says

L.A. schools Supt. Ramon C. Cortines convened the panel in response to critics who said the district could not afford its recent contract agreements with employee unions. These critics included Chief Financial Officer Megan Reilly, who helped to oversee the work of the fiscal committee.

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Dan Walters: California’s Financing Formula Reignites Big School Struggle

Educational bureaucrats are very prone to writing documents in “edu-speak,” a jargon for insiders. The “multiple measures” plan now being drafted is a monument to such deliberate obfuscation.

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Dan Walters: California’s Kids Fall Short in Testing Once Again

But if our schools aren’t performing particularly well, those who run the schools are again demonstrating their unmatched ability to make excuses for failure.

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California Test Scores in the Cellar

California students continue to perform near the bottom of states in reading and math, 2015 test results released Wednesday show. And even when taking into account factors like the predominance of English learners and poor children, a new analysis indicates that the state would still end up in the academic cellar.

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Vandy Takes on Federal Regs, Redux

The nation’s colleges and universities collectively spend an estimated $27 billion each year trying to comply with federal requirements. . . Compliance with all federal requirements accounted for between 3 and 11 percent of the institutions’ operating expenditures, excluding any expenses associated with running a hospital.

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California’s 2013-14 Grad Rate Increased from Year Before

A U.S. Department of Education report shows that California’s high school graduation ranking dropped from 30th in 2012-13 to 33rd in 2013-14, even though its graduation rate increased slightly.

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Will California Run Out of College Graduates?

This report updates and extends projections of California’s workforce skills through 2030, focusing on the supply and demand for workers with a bachelor’s degree. We find that the state will fall about 1.1 million college graduates short of economic demand if current trends persist—a problem we call the workforce skills gap. Even the arrival of highly educated workers from elsewhere is unlikely to be large enough to fill this gap.

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Chicago’s Use of the International Baccalaureate: An Education Success Story That Didn’t Travel

What they found is striking: the CPS students who completed all four years of the IB program were 40% more likely to attend a four-year college, 50% more likely to attend a selective four-year college, and significantly more likely to persist in college than their matched peers outside the program. The program influenced not only their academic success but also their self-regard and confidence; in-depth interviews showed a strong academic orientation and high sense of self-efficacy. There were no negative results for the students involved, even for those who began the program in 9th grade but did not complete the program.

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Construction Workers “Left the Business and They Didn’t Come Back”

Home builders are facing delays and rising costs as they struggle to find enough construction workers.

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Brown’s School Budget Reform Embraced, Exploited

Schools have added translators and other help for parents, tutoring and alternatives to discipline, a sampling of Bay Area schools shows — but many also are investing in buildings, trying to divert funds to teacher salaries and ignoring their poorest students.

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OC’s Worker Shortage: Employers Face a Skills Gap in Key, High-Paying Fields, Report Finds

Orange County faces a critical shortage of skilled workers for some of the best-paid jobs in manufacturing, health care and information technology, according to a report to be released today.

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2015/2015 Orange County Workforce Indicators Report

A product of the research partnership between the Orange County Business Council, County of Orange, and Orange County Workforce Investment Board (OCWIB), the Workforce Indicators Report examines the growth of industry and employment, salary and wage trends, demographic changes and the educational attainment of Orange County students.

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