

California High-Speed Rail Costs Soar Again

SACRAMENTO — While much of the squabbling over California’s high-speed rail project has focused on its huge construction price tag, the cost to taxpayers just to plan the bullet train is also soaring.

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California infrastructure Score: C

Once every four years, America’s civil engineers rate the nation’s major infrastructure and issue a Report Card for America’s Infrastructure (Report Card). We got our copy from Stephen Urbanek, pavement preservation manager for Sonoma County’s Department of Transportation and Public Works.

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Support For California Water Bond Falls, Poll Finds

Judging by a new statewide poll, California lawmakers were smart to pull an $11.1-billion water bond off last fall’s ballot.

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California Facing Bid Challenges in Improving State Roads

The Reason Foundation, a libertarian-leaning think tank, says in a new report that California is facing big challenges in improving driving conditions on its state-owned roads.

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Gov. Brown Puts A Price Tag on Protecting Major Water Supply

In his State of the State address Thursday, Gov. Jerry Brown reiterated his pitch to protect California’s water supply. But in a speech lawmakers repeatedly interrupted with applause, Brown’s plea to spend billions on water elicited silence. He was speaking to a joint session of the legislature, but his message is really for consumers — and the agencies that supply water to them.

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More Competitive Port, Promise of Critical infrastructure Projects

The Port of Long Beach is betting billions of dollars on its future. This is a bet it has to make to compete globally. Long Beach’s Board of Harbor Commissioners is expected Monday to formally approve a $1.2 billion budget for the massive Middle Harbor terminal expansion project.

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