

Boeing to Add 300 Engineering Jobs to Local Operations

Company: BoeingCA Net Job Gain/Loss: 300Reason: ExpandCity/Region Gaining Jobs: Long Beach, CA

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Evaluating BCG’s Report: Understanding the Impacts of AB 32

Expert evaluation of the Boston Consulting Group report

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Addressing the Employment Impacts of AB 32, California’s Global Warming Solutions Act

“. . . analyzes the job impacts of AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, and highlights the policy design options that can best promote both lower greenhouse gas emissions and good jobs. “

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Policy Recommendations to Create CA Manufacturing Jobs

To successfully compete, we must emulate what other states and nations are doing to attract high-skill, high-wage, high-tech and manufacturing jobs that ultimately help create more jobs across many manufacturing jobs that ultimately help create more jobs across many sectors. And, we must enact a series of game changers that will help make our state a leading economic engine once again.

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America’s Biotech and Life Science Clusters: San Diego’s Position and Economic Contributions

. . .the most comprehensive measurement of regional biotech centers ever conducted, shows that only a handful of metropolitan areas have succeeded on a scale necessary to ensure industry sustainability.

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Manufacturing 2.0, A More Prosperous California

. . .compares the industry’s performance to other states and quantifies the damage resulting from a failure to address previous concerns.

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Keeping California Competitive, What Will It Take?

This paper separates the real problems facing California from the misperceptions, then offers several thought starters on how companies – and government – might bolster competitiveness.

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Boiling Point? The Skills Gap in US Manufacturing

. . . study identifying the mismatch between the skills of available workers and skills that manufacturers demand.

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Manufacturing Still a Force in Southern California

Overview of manufacturing in the Southern California counties

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The Aerospace Industry in Southern California


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Manufacturing in California

Analysis of manufacturing in California and factors affecting the industry trends

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California Business Casualties

List of manufacturers who have closed, moved, or expanded in another state or country from 2003 to 2010

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2012 Business Expansion and New Site Survey: Why Companies Do and Don’t Choose California

. . . national survey that looked into the site selection criteria of manufacturing companies. The goal of the survey was to provide insights into what is driving site investment and expansion decisions, particularly, why some companies choose to invest in California and why others choose to invest elsewhere.

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Hours & Earnings by Selected Industries

. . . average weekly earnings, average hourly earnings, and average number of weekly hours — for production workers in the Manufacturing industries or nonsupervisory employees in the Motion picture and sound recording industries only.

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Updated Economic Analysis of California’s Climate Change Scoping Plan

. . . estimates the state-level economic effects of implementing the Scoping Plan measures.

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