America’s Top States for Business
. . . scored all 50 states on 51 measures of competitiveness developed with input from business groups
. . . scored all 50 states on 51 measures of competitiveness developed with input from business groups
Comparative ranking based on taxation and regulations, workforce quality, and living environment
. . . the state faces a shortage of 2.3 million college graduates and those with vocational certificates by 2025, even as the demand for highly educated workers continues to grow.
The goal of this report is to detail what is needed for California’s transportation system and how we can pay for it.
. . . provides a window into 10 specific practices from 10 diverse regions, a sampling of innovations emerging from California’s grassroots. The purpose of this compendium is to encourage and educate other practitioners across the State about how to move forward with new approaches to regional problem-solving.
“. . . shared agenda for action to promoting California’s Economic Recovery through Regional Strategies. Each region of California needs the necessary support to develop and implement a recovery strategy that reflects its own unique challenges, industry mix, and innovation assets based on shared principles”
List of manufacturers who have closed, moved, or expanded in another state or country from 2003 to 2010
. . . national survey that looked into the site selection criteria of manufacturing companies. The goal of the survey was to provide insights into what is driving site investment and expansion decisions, particularly, why some companies choose to invest in California and why others choose to invest elsewhere.
Quarterly forecasts for California, Ventura County, and US (recent releases require purchase)
Reviews the prospects of green jobs creation as a result of environmental regulation, including review of costs and benefits experienced to date in the US and other countries
Policy recommendations for jobs creation.
“. . . plan to educate, motivate and activate Californians to protect the state’s agricultural heritage while ensuring a safe and affordable food supply. “
. . . list of major employers was extracted from the America’s Labor Market Information System (ALMIS) Employer Database