California Statistical Abstract
Last published in 2008, contains historical data on a range of economic, employment, demographic, and other topics
Last published in 2008, contains historical data on a range of economic, employment, demographic, and other topics
Bi-monthly compendium of economic indicators, with historical data to 1998
State and county population estimates by age, race, and sex, with projections through 2060
State and county population estimates by age, race, and sex
State and county population estimates by age, race, and sex
. . . survey of business executives detailing current attitudes about the state’s economy, business climate, and budget.
Quarterly report on factors affecting the state’s economy
. . .in-depth analysis of state and federal issues the CalChamber considers crucial to a strategy for economic recovery.
“. . .identify key economic and demographic trends that will determine the future of the California economy and to identify the implications for a fiscal policy agenda to address the state’s future economy.”
. . .describing the history and implications of Proposition 13 in the context of changing economic and fiscal circumstances.
Projections prepared for Association of Bay Area Governments
. . . study on the competitive viability of the Golden State’s business and regulatory climate.
. . . identifies growing sectors seeking highly educated workers, analyzes the economic value created by those workers and identifies the top six industries with the most at stake in our state’s highly educated high demand future.
. . . shows that the income gap in California grew substantially in recent decades.
. . . discusses the latest employment trends for California’s women and the need for increased support for key pathways to career advancement and economic security.