
Time To Clean Up The Solar Industry — Stop the Scams

Our home states – Mississippi and Massachusetts — could not be more different when it comes to politics, sports, cuisine and almost everything else. But one thing the two of us share is a long track record of supporting the rooftop solar industry. We believe it is a national priority to produce clean energy and slow the pace of global warming.

While we support solar power, we are both alarmed by growing concerns about the rooftop solar industry using unscrupulous business practices to reel in new customers. This is something we are seeing in cities and towns all across the nation. In fact, the Attorneys Generals of Massachusetts, Mississippi and other four states have taken actions to warn consumers about scams in the rooftop solar business.

What is most concerning is that these bad actors in the solar industry are not just limited to the small players. Some of the biggest players in the rooftop solar industry have raised concerns with consumer watchdogs. Earlier this year, Public Citizen took issue with SolarCity’s (now owned by Tesla) use of mandatory arbitration contracts. This is unacceptable for an industry that is heavily subsidized by the American taxpayer.

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