

Thanks to Natural Gas, US CO2 Emissions Lowest Since 1985

Gas power plants are mushrooming all over the country, with almost a 20 percent gas capacity gain of 90,000 megawatts from 2017–2020 alone. Bolstered by rising efficiency, the more that we have turned to natural gas, the more our CO2 emissions have plummeted. Our power emissions are now the lowest they have been since 1985. […]

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Electric Vehicle Subsidies Hurt the Poor and Help the Rich

Currently, California has a waiver from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on the Clean Air Act. It will allow California to dedicate more resources to mandate electric car use across the Golden State. While California means well, the EPA should revoke the waiver if the state insists on using it to direct billions of dollars […]

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America’s Dangerous Foreign Mineral Dependence

Now that we’ve finally made progress in our long struggle for energy security — thanks to fracking and the shale revolution — we are sleepwalking into a dangerous import dependence on the minerals and metals that are the building blocks to our 21st century economy. Our reliance on imported minerals and metals required for production […]

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Debunking the 100% Renewables Fantasy

While Germany has succeeded in increasing the share of wind and solar in German electricity production to over 30 percent, the average German household spent 50 percent more on electricity in 2016 than 2007. German firms open new manufacturing facilities not in Germany, but in Slovakia and other countries with much cheaper electricity. Even with all this, German carbon dioxide emissions grew in 2015 and 2016, while those in the U.S. fell by an average of two percent per year.

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Time To Clean Up The Solar Industry — Stop the Scams

While we support solar power, we are both alarmed by growing concerns about the rooftop solar industry using unscrupulous business practices to reel in new customers. This is something we are seeing in cities and towns all across the nation. In fact, the Attorneys Generals of Massachusetts, Mississippi and other four states have taken actions to warn consumers about scams in the rooftop solar business.

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