

2018 California Green Innovation Index

California is not an island. Even if we are to succeed in achieving all of our ambitious climate and clean energy goals, we are but one small part of a global problem, with just 1.1 percent of the world’s total emissions coming from our state. If we are to stave off the worst impacts of […]

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California Employment By Income

•Compared to 10 years ago, average annual pay for low-wage earners in California — people making under $27,000 on average — has increased by only 17 percent. Middle-income earners — those making an average of $55,000 — have seen wages rise 29 percent. High-wage earners — those making an average of $83,000 — have seen […]

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California Migration

•From 2006 to 2016, 1,090,600 more people moved out of California to other states than moved from other states to California. •Migration and income trends vary by region. The Bay Area, which had the highest percentage gains in high-wage jobs, has experienced overall net migration growth since 2014. By contrast, Los Angeles and the Inland […]

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Current State of the California Housing Market

Over the decade ending in 2016, more people moved out of California than moved in, and the state still has the highest housing costs in the nation. Job growth is up across low-, mid- and high-income earners, but while wages have increased across all categories, low-income earners haven’t seen their paychecks increase at a comparable […]

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The Economic Impacts of California’s Major Climate Programs on the San Joaquin Valley

Researchers looked at three key California climate and clean energy policies: 1) cap and trade, which established a market designed to reduce carbon emissions from major polluters; 2) the renewables portfolio standard (RPS), which calls for California to get 33 percent of its energy from renewable sources by 2020, growing to 50 percent by 2030; and 3) energy efficiency programs run by investor-owned utilities and overseen by the Public Utilities Commission.

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Current State of the California Housing Market

California’s current housing market suffers from a shortage of supply and the lingering effects of the housing crash and the Great Recession. California currently ranks near the bottom in terms of its supply of housing relative to population growth. Add that to the increasing demand to live near the coast, to be close to tech hubs, and to be near downtowns, and it’s not too surprising that home prices throughout the state continue to rise. Additionally, the cost of development and stringent regulations imposed on developers has contributed to the lack of homebuilding in California.

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California Migration

In recent years, California has experienced negative domestic migration, meaning more people are moving from California to other states than the number of residents moving to California from other parts of the country. Statistics on the characteristics of California’s inbound and outbound migrants suggest patterns in migration over the past decade are more related to housing costs than tax structure.

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California Employment by Income

The report finds that many new jobs in California are in low-wage industries, and the post-recession period favored low-wage job growth over middle-wage and high-wage job growth throughout the state by a wide margin. However, when compared with the rest of the nation, the trend of low-wage job creation is not unique to California.

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California’s Manufacturing and Benefits of Energy Efficiency

Next 10’s new report analyzes electricity productivity – how much GDP manufacturers produce for every dollar spent on electricity – and finds that California generates $59 in GDP for every dollar spent on electricity, compared to $38 for the rest of the nation, leading every other state except Connecticut.

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Power Town, Calfiornia’s Capital Region Mobilizing to Meet Growing Demand for Clean Technologies

In January 2014, there were nearly 14,000 jobs in the Sacramento Region’s “core” clean economy. These core jobs were in a range of businesses that provide the products and services that allow the entire economy to transition away from fossil fuels and improve efficiencies in the use of natural resources.

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Bay to Market, Bay Area Innovations Leading Clean Technology Development

In January 2014, there were nearly 60,000 jobs in Bay Area’s “core” clean economy. These core jobs were in a range of businesses that provide the products and services that allow the entire economy to transition away from fossil fuels and improve efficiencies in the use of natural resources.

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2014 California Green Innovation Index

California’s overall clean economy continues to create new jobs and business opportunities across diverse sectors, ranging from water efficiency and recycling to energy and battery technologies. Between January 2002 and January 2012, employment in California’s Core Clean Economy jumped 20 percent to reach nearly 196,000. During the same time period, jobs in the larger overall state economy grew by two percent

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Cleantech Investment: A Decade of California’s Evolving Portfolio

A new analysis of the last decade of investment in California’s clean technology sector shows that although venture capitalists remain key players, different types of investors are becoming ever more important to the growth of the sector.

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Compare 50

Web site tool to compare California economic data vs. the US and the other states

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How Does California’s Economic Performance Compare to Other States

Study comparing California’s performance to the other states in economic growth, employment and unemployment, earnings, income distribution, and poverty

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