

Price Pump to move Sonoma manufacturing business to Idaho

It’s the end of an era. Price Pump has grown and thrived in Sonoma for 70 years. But before the end of this year, the manufacturer of high-tech pumps will pull up stakes and move its headquarters – lock, stock and pump – to Boise, Idaho. “It has simply become too difficult and too costly […]

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Editorial/Opinion: CEQA Can Remain Strong Without Being Misused

Most people would agree that if a school, hospital or road project has been subjected to extensive environmental review and met all federal, state and local environmental laws, including the Clean Water Act, the Endangered Species Act and the Clean Air Act, the project should go forward without being sued for purported environmental reasons. Unfortunately, today, these projects are being delayed and face increased costs – many times to taxpayers – or killed altogether because of abusive litigation that has nothing to do with the environment.

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Adventist health Cuts 48 Jobs

Company: Adventist HealthCA Net Job Gain/Loss: -29Reason: LayoffCity/Region Losing Jobs: St. Helena, CANotes: Story describes cuts in three different cities with specific job loss figures

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Adventist health Cuts 48 Jobs

Company: Adventist HealthCA Net Job Gain/Loss: -12Reason: LayoffCity/Region Losing Jobs: Clearlake, CANotes: Story describes cuts in three different cities with specific job loss figures

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Adventist health Cuts 48 Jobs

Company: Adventist HealthCA Net Job Gain/Loss: -7Reason: LayoffCity/Region Losing Jobs: Vallejo, CANotes: Story describes cuts in three different cities with specific job loss figures

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