The Great Recession and Distribution of Income in California
“. . . the gap between the highest and lowest income families grew to its widest in 30 years. This report tracks these trends and considers the effects of unemployment on family income. “
“. . . the gap between the highest and lowest income families grew to its widest in 30 years. This report tracks these trends and considers the effects of unemployment on family income. “
Web site tool to compare California economic data vs. the US and the other states
Study comparing California’s performance to the other states in economic growth, employment and unemployment, earnings, income distribution, and poverty
. . . incisive articles and comprehensive data found nowhere else about the Inland Empire.
Economic data for California and other states in the 12th District
. . . empirical description of California’s economic performance compared with other states, focusing on the metrics of output and jobs.
Current and historical data files of key indicators, including employment, income, monthly permit data, CPI, and trade data
. . . shows that the income gap in California grew substantially in recent decades.
“. . .examines the evolution of the Bay Area’s economy in the wake of the Great Recession that severely impacted the region from 2008 to 2010 and continues to be felt by many of our citizens and businesses. “
The gap in income between rich and poor people and blacks and whites has grown in California over the last 20 years, according to a report from nonprofit Next 10 in San Francisco.