

A Resurrection For Redevelopment?

Voters and elected officials adopt policies on assurances of beneficial impacts, but they often interact with other decrees to produce what are called “unintended consequences.” Redevelopment has been a classic example for nearly seven decades, and it may be on the verge of another twist. Redevelopment, authorized in the early 1950s, was aimed at encouraging […]

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This Bill Is A Threat To California’s Free Press. It Must Be Changed

If you believe newspapers play an essential role in strengthening democracy and holding powerful leaders accountable, now is the time to speak up about Assembly Bill 5. The bill, as currently written, could force many California newspapers out of business. It’s unlikely that Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez, D-San Diego, sought to create an existential threat to […]

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Rent Hikes Heap More Woes on Southern California’s Housing, Homeless Crisis

The cost of renting a home or apartment in Los Angeles and Orange counties has skyrocketed 5.8 percent in the last year. The latest rent hike is the highest since 2005 and has increased at the fastest pace in 14 years, according to the Consumer Price Index calculated by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. […]

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More Than 400 Apartments Coming To Downtown Sacramento Near The Capitol. Rents Won’t Be Cheap

Sacramento’s push for more rental housing downtown just got a solid boost. A Washington state developer on Wednesday launched construction of the first of an expected 436 apartments in two mid-rise structures at Sacramento Commons, a residential site tucked a few blocks southwest of the state Capitol. The project will contain the most units of […]

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Seniors Facing Eviction Fear Homelessness And Isolation As California’s Housing Crisis Rolls On

Mario Canel met his wife inside the apartment where he’s lived for the last 33 years. Canel, a house painter, was at the Silver Lake complex off of Sunset Boulevard on a job, but he and his customer quickly connected over their shared Guatemalan roots. It wasn’t long before Mario and Sabina married, and her […]

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California Is Providing First-Time Students With 2 Years Of Free Tuition At Community Colleges

California will provide first-time, full-time students with two years of free tuition to community colleges in the state. The effort is being rolled out under the state’s California College Promise program, which already provided California students with one free year of tuition at community colleges. “This is real help for students trying to improve their […]

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Initiatives Underway For Low-Cost, Free Textbooks For California College Students

As they start a new school year, college students usually come to campus knowing their tuition and room and board costs. The big unknown is the often-hefty cost of textbooks. Many students don’t know what textbooks they’ll need and how much the books will cost until they’ve enrolled in courses and checked their professors’ syllabi. […]

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California Tahoe Conservancy Awards $240,000 To California State Parks

The California Tahoe Conservancy Board has approved a grant of up to $240,286 to California State Parks for forest health management at Burton Creek State Park. According to a news release, the funds for the project come from an earlier grant to the Conservancy from the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection for high-priority […]

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Trump Gives Businesses Deregulation Whether They Want It Or Not

Donald Trump campaigned on a promise to ease the grip of environmental rules he said were throttling businesses. But time and again, his deregulatory moves as president have drawn the ire of the very companies that were expected to benefit. In the latest instance, the Environmental Protection Agency unveiled a proposal Thursday to weaken rules […]

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What To Know As California’s Peak Fire Months Loom

California fire officials have learned through hard experience to temper their optimism. Having just endured more than a decade of rampaging fires — 14 of the 20 most destructive fires in state history have occurred since 2007 — fire bosses say this year the glass is half-full. “We’ve got a few things going for us […]

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Strength In U.S. Consumer Spending Drives Economy

U.S. households ramped up their spending in July, providing reassurance that the economy’s decadelong expansion continued to roll despite slowing factory activity and global growth. Personal-consumption expenditures, a measure of household spending, increased a seasonally adjusted 0.6% in July from June, a pickup from the previous two months, the Commerce Department said Friday, continuing a […]

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Command Center Sells California Locations

Command Center, Inc. a national provider of on-demand and temporary staffing solutions, today announced that it has agreed to sell its four California locations to Resolute Enterprises, LLC for $1.8 million. Command Center is providing seller financing for the transaction, receiving a four-year promissory note at 10% interest. “After careful review, we determined that California […]

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Uber, Lyft And DoorDash Pledge $90M To Fight California Gig-Worker Law

Uber Opens a New Window. , Lyft and DoorDash threatened Thursday to spend $90 million to fight a proposed California law that would require the companies to treat their gig workers as employees, rather than contractors. “We remain focused on reaching a deal, and are confident about bringing this issue to the voters if necessary,” […]

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Some Californians Say Moving From Natural Gas To Electricity Will Cost Too Much

Some labor and business leaders – as well as residents of different communities around the state – are pushing back against green energy policies that Sacramento has taken on to fight climate change. About a month ago, business and political representatives from more than 20 cities across the Inland Empire  – a metropolitan area east […]

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Business Groups Appeal Ruling On Taxes For Childcare, Homelessness Services

Business and tax groups have filed an appeal of a recent court ruling in favor of two separate San Francisco tax measures named Proposition C. Three business-related groups — California Business Roundtable, the California Business Properties Association and the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association — joined forces earlier this year to try to invalidate San Francisco’s Proposition C, […]

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