Manufacturing in California
Analysis of manufacturing in California and factors affecting the industry trends
Analysis of manufacturing in California and factors affecting the industry trends
. . . explores how reasonable and balanced the states’ tort liability systems are perceived to be by U.S. business.
. . . incisive articles and comprehensive data found nowhere else about the Inland Empire.
. . . uses 26 indicators, divided into those five key areas that best capture what is new about the New Economy:
“. . . articulates a vision for success in building the Next Economy in California guided by a set of principles that must be agreed upon by stakeholders at all levels”
. . . measures six vital categories for businesses: costs, labor supply, regulatory environment, current economic climate, growth prospects and quality of life.
Economic data for California and other states in the 12th District
. . . empirical description of California’s economic performance compared with other states, focusing on the metrics of output and jobs.
The Economic Strategy for SLO County is being successfully implemented and is creating economic vitality through the collaboration of local business leaders across six business sectors. These cluster groups are dedicated to creating jobs and making it easier to conduct and grow business throughout the county.
The report and recommendations . . .are formulated to answer as directly and objectively as possible the goal of making the state competitive for the future by providing more and better jobs for its people and thereby increasing the economic well-being of all Californians.
. . . scored all 50 states on 51 measures of competitiveness developed with input from business groups
Comparative ranking based on taxation and regulations, workforce quality, and living environment
. . . the state faces a shortage of 2.3 million college graduates and those with vocational certificates by 2025, even as the demand for highly educated workers continues to grow.
The goal of this report is to detail what is needed for California’s transportation system and how we can pay for it.
. . . provides a window into 10 specific practices from 10 diverse regions, a sampling of innovations emerging from California’s grassroots. The purpose of this compendium is to encourage and educate other practitioners across the State about how to move forward with new approaches to regional problem-solving.