On the Road to Recovery
Key trends in employment and earnings
Key trends in employment and earnings
. . . looks at the state’s economy and examines key trends in employment and earnings.
. . . estimates the state-level economic effects of implementing the Scoping Plan measures.
. . . quarterly publication for the San Joaquin Council of Governments that provides demographic and economic analysis.
. . . quarterly forecast of the California Economy and 10 metropolitan areas in northern California. (full report requires subscription)
. . . comprehensive study to better understand the impacts AB 32 regulations will have on fuel markets, businesses, consumers and the California economy.
. . . based on a set of 43 indicators divided into eight sub-indexes – government and fiscal policy, security, infrastructure, human resources, technology, business incubation, openness, and environmental policy.
Regional economic forecasts for San Francisco, East Bay, San Diego, South Bay, Los Angeles, and Inland Empire
Monthly analysis of California employment and unemployment numbers
“. . . an annual economic outlook at the national, state and local levels. “
Monthly reports on employment and unemployment for California, Bay Area, Bay Area MSAs, and by industry
. . .How the San Francisco Bay Area Became the World’s Leading Innovation Hub and What Will Be Necessary to Secure Its Future