

Fourth year of Sluggish Growth Forecast for California

The good news is California’s economy will keep growing this year. The bad news is it will be more of the same lackluster growth the state has seen since the recession ended in 2009.

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Editorial/Opinion: How We Can Start Creating Jobs?

Last November, Californians risked their money on state government. Despite five years of closed businesses, lost jobs, and replacement jobs that pay far less, Californians trusted the state with more of their hard-earned money. With some of the highest tax rates in the nation, Governor Jerry Brown has declared California’s government is on the road to solvency.

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Silicon Valley job growth has reached dot-com boom levels, report says

MOUNTAIN VIEW — Silicon Valley’s job growth has returned to dot-com boom levels and San Francisco has emerged as a major new tech hub. But good times have not returned for all area residents and ethnic groups.

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California Job Growth Slows in December as Payroll Shrinks

After adding jobs at a steady clip through most of last year, California’s employment engine lost steam in December as employers reduced payrolls by 17,500 net positions.

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San Francisco Led California Growth in 2012

The San Francisco Bay Area, a region that encompasses booming Silicon Valley, led California in job growth last year as the technology industry workforce rose.

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LA County’s Unemployment Rate Holds Steady

Unemployment rates held steady in California and Los Angeles County last month but the Inland Empire saw a decline, the state Employment Development Department reported Friday.

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California Economy Turning Around? It’s All About The Jobs

When you talk with Californians about the state of the state, the conversation turns to the economy, and especially to jobs. A recent poll by the PPIC showed that 67 percent of California voters say jobs and the economy are the state’s biggest priority.

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America’s New Tech Hot Spots

Mark Schill of Praxis Strategy Group crunched the numbers for us to determine the changes in STEM employment from 2001 to 2012 in the 51 largest metropolitan statistical areas. Notably absent from our list of the 10 metro areas that enjoyed the strongest growth over that period: the country’s largest cities.

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Editorial/Opinion: Golden State Can Be Reinvigorated

If you are worried about California’s future, there’s no shortage of disturbing statistics to keep you up at night. California’s unemployment rate was 9.8 percent in November – and, with a host of new regulatory mandates added when the New Year began, our state is becoming even more unattractive for businesses.

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California Manufacturing Jobs Fall Through The Cracks

The shutdown of a 102-year-old California manufacturing company points to a major flaw in California’s industrial development policy:

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What Technological Change Portends For California’s Job Structure

How is the internet/mobile technology changing the job structure in California? What jobs are being eliminated? What jobs are being created? Are more jobs being created than destroyed?

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California Leads Nation in Job Creation

(CBS News) LOS ANGELES, Calif. – The Golden State is striking it rich in job creation. Jim Nguyen is an executive vice president at Truecar.com. Their website helps consumers know fair prices when buying or selling a vehicle. They currently have two buildings.

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Editorial/Opinion: Job Creation Should Be Legislature’s Top Priority

Job creation remains Job 1 in Southern California, and especially here in San Bernardino County, requiring more help than ever from our state leaders in Sacramento.

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Fiscal Cliff Deal Brings Some Relief to California

SACRAMENTO — The deal in Washington to avoid the “fiscal cliff” will bring a reprieve to California’s slowly rebounding economy, but uncertainty remains in part because Congress delayed action on federal spending cuts.

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