California and the Economic Consequences of Prop 30
Presentation from December 2012 Economic Outlook Conference
Presentation from December 2012 Economic Outlook Conference
Presentation from December 2012 Economic Outlook Conference
Economic forecast for the US and California
Economic forecast for the US and California
Expert evaluation of the Boston Consulting Group report
“. . . analyzes the job impacts of AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, and highlights the policy design options that can best promote both lower greenhouse gas emissions and good jobs. “
Advocates a comprehensive approach to repairing California’s broken system of governance while proposing policies and institutions vital for the state’s long-term future.
. . . comparing the states on 118 different variables in the five important areas of taxation (major business taxes, individual income taxes, sales taxes, unemployment insurance taxes, and property taxes) . . . while also measuring the general competitiveness of their overall tax systems.
. . . estimate of the combined state and local tax burden shouldered by the residents of each of the fifty states.
. . . contribution of national defense to state and regional economies.
. . . addresses the issues that must be solved for our region’s economy to create jobs and energize economic activity today, in the next five years and over the long term. The approach aims to maximize local control and regional coordination.
“. . . ties together 44 major government-imposed or government-related costs impacting small businesses and entrepreneurs across a broad spectrum of industries and types of businesses”
Ranking the States on Policy Measures and Costs Impacting Small Business and Entrepreneurship