

California Tahoe Conservancy Awards $240,000 To California State Parks

The California Tahoe Conservancy Board has approved a grant of up to $240,286 to California State Parks for forest health management at Burton Creek State Park. According to a news release, the funds for the project come from an earlier grant to the Conservancy from the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection for high-priority […]

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Trump Gives Businesses Deregulation Whether They Want It Or Not

Donald Trump campaigned on a promise to ease the grip of environmental rules he said were throttling businesses. But time and again, his deregulatory moves as president have drawn the ire of the very companies that were expected to benefit. In the latest instance, the Environmental Protection Agency unveiled a proposal Thursday to weaken rules […]

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What To Know As California’s Peak Fire Months Loom

California fire officials have learned through hard experience to temper their optimism. Having just endured more than a decade of rampaging fires — 14 of the 20 most destructive fires in state history have occurred since 2007 — fire bosses say this year the glass is half-full. “We’ve got a few things going for us […]

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Some Californians Say Moving From Natural Gas To Electricity Will Cost Too Much

Some labor and business leaders – as well as residents of different communities around the state – are pushing back against green energy policies that Sacramento has taken on to fight climate change. About a month ago, business and political representatives from more than 20 cities across the Inland Empire  – a metropolitan area east […]

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2020 Looks Like the Breakout Year for Building Decarbonization in California

California has just 25 years to achieve its economywide carbon-neutrality target. Buildings account for about a quarter of California’s greenhouse gas emissions, so concerted efforts will be needed to squeeze carbon out of the sector, especially existing buildings. State policymakers are increasingly coalescing around a solution: electrification. As a recent California Energy Commission (CEC) report […]

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California Releases Misleading Greenhouse Emissions Report

California has released its annual greenhouse gas inventory, with the numbers praised by Governor Gavin Newsom. But emissions are up in nearly every category, with critics calling presentation of the data misleading In the Golden State, all is golden on the issue of climate change, or at least that’s what we’re being told. In essence, […]

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California Wildfire Plan Shows How We Can Adapt To Threat Of Natural Disasters

Climate change is rapidly becoming America’s biggest economic and business challenge, and no state is doing more to address it than California. The Golden State has not just led the way in challenging the do-nothing policies of the Trump administration by requiring its electric companies to switch to renewable energy sources and preserving higher fuel […]

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California Labor and Business Advocates Call For Diverse Energy Options And Solutions

A press conference Tuesday by the California Business Roundtable had state, labor leaders and the business community there to call upon Governor Gavin Newsom to support a wide array of energy options to power the state of California, rather than allowing the current trend of ridding the state of oil and gas energy, and supporting electricity only. […]

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If You Want ‘Renewable Energy,’ Get Ready To Dig

Democrats dream of powering society entirely with wind and solar farms combined with massive batteries. Realizing this dream would require the biggest expansion in mining the world has seen and would produce huge quantities of waste. “Renewable energy” is a misnomer. Wind and solar machines and batteries are built from nonrenewable materials. And they wear […]

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A Clean Energy Breakthrough Could Be Buried Deep Beneath Rural Utah

If you know anything about solar and wind farms, you know they’re good at generating electricity when the sun is shining or the wind is blowing, and not so good at other times. Batteries can pick up the slack for a few hours. But they’re less useful when the sun and wind disappear for days […]

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EPA Issues Rule To Rein In Blue States From Blocking Oil And Gas Pipelines

The EPA proposed a rule Friday designed to limit blue states’ ability to reject oil and gas pipeline projects. The proposed rule implements an April executive order from President Trump to rein in state use of Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. That provision of the law allows states to deny permits if leaks […]

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U.S.-China Trade Battle Is Crimping Global Oil Demand

Worries about the health of the economy and increasingly uncertain trade relations between the U.S. and China will put further pressure on global oil demand in 2019, the International Energy Agency said Friday. In its closely watched oil-market report, the IEA downgraded its forecast for global oil-demand growth for the third time in four months, […]

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California Refuses To Enlist Clean, Cheap Hydropower In Fight Against Climate Change. It Makes No Sense

Is the cleanest, greenest electricity in the world green enough for California? For years, the people of the Northern San Joaquin Valley have been trying to get hydropower recognized for what it is: the original source of clean electricity. Our efforts have been stymied by people who feel entitled to decide what is, or isn’t, […]

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Hostile Takeover Of PG&E? Billion-Dollar Hedge Funds Duel Over Bankrupt Utility

Two groups of multibillion-dollar hedge funds are fighting over control of PG&E Corp. in a battle with huge implications for California’s largest electric utility and the thousands of wildfire victims who hold claims against the bankrupt company. What had been a quiet tug-of-war turned into a hostile takeover battle late Wednesday. PG&E’s major bondholders, in […]

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Berkeley Is the First City In America To Ban Gas From New Homes

The fight to kick natural gas out of homes and businesses is intensifying. In a vote late Tuesday, Berkeley — the city near San Francisco long known for its progressive politics — banned the use of the heating fuel in most new buildings. Environmentalists are hailing it as the first city to enact such a […]

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