Economic Indicators is designed to help gauge California’s current economic health and performance. Using public data, and with the oversight of our Research Advisory Council, we assembled a database of key economic indicators that are useful for understanding current and future economic conditions.
Total value for all residential units covered by building permits.
Number of multi-family units covered by building permits.
Number of building permits for single family homes.
Total number of residential units covered by building permits.
Value of building permits issued for non-residential construction, consisting of hotels and motels, non-housekeeping shelter, recreational, churches, industrial, parking garages, service stations, hospitals, offices, public works, schools/education, retail, other non-residential buildings, structures other than buildings, non-residential alterations, and residential garages.
Value of building permits issued for residential alterations. As such, the data covers only alterations done under permit rather than all alteration construction activity.
Includes all individuals who worked at least one hour for a wage or salary, self-employed, or working at least 15 unpaid hours in a family business or on a family farm.
Quarterly count of wage and salary jobs from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Quarterly count of wage and salary jobs from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Quarterly count of wage and salary jobs from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Sum of civilian employment and civilian unemployment. Civilians are age 16 years or older, not members of the Armed Services, and are not in institutions such as prisons, mental hospitals, or nursing homes. Not seasonally adjusted.
Gross domestic product (GDP) is the measure of the market value of all final goods and services produced within an area, All Industry Total. GDP by state and county measures its "value added," equivalent to gross output (sales or receipts and other operating income, commodity taxes, and inventory change) minus intermediate inputs (consumption of goods and services purchased from other U.S. industries or imported).
GDP value in chained 2012 dollars.
As a measure of international competitiveness, the International GDP Rank shows how the California economy would compare to other nations if it was a separate country. The data is from the US Bureau of Economic Analysis GDP data for the US and California, compared to national data from International Monetary Fund. All data is in current US dollars.
International GDP Rank using international dollars, which adjust the GDP data to reflect differences in costs among the different jurisdictions. California data is from US Bureau of Economic Analysis, adjusted by the Bureau's Regional Price Parity index. Comparison with the current dollar International GDP rank provides an indicator of how much California's GDP growth has been dissipated by the state's growing costs of living and costs of doing business.
Total annual personal income consisting of income that persons receive in return for their provision of labor, land, and capital used in current production as well as other income, such as personal current transfer receipts.
The number within the Labor Force as a percentage of the total Noninstitutional Civilian Population.
Quarterly sales of taxable goods and services in the state.
Number of fee paid vehicle registrations for light duty vehicles, defined as a passenger vehicle used for the transportation of persons.
Number of initial claims for unemployment insurance, not seasonally adjusted.
Sum of civilian employment and civilian unemployment.
Equivalent annual average wage based on the reported average weekly wage from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Equivalent annual average wage based on the reported average weekly wage from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Equivalent annual average wage based on the reported average weekly wage from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Equivalent annual average wage based on the reported average weekly wage from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Equivalent annual average wage based on the reported average weekly wage from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Equivalent annual average wage based on the reported average weekly wage from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Equivalent annual average wage based on the reported average weekly wage from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Equivalent annual average wage based on the reported average weekly wage from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Equivalent annual average wage based on the reported average weekly wage from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Equivalent annual average wage based on the reported average weekly wage from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Equivalent annual average wage based on the reported average weekly wage from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Equivalent annual average wage based on the reported average weekly wage from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Equivalent annual average wage based on the reported average weekly wage from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Equivalent annual average wage based on the reported average weekly wage from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Equivalent annual average wage based on the reported average weekly wage from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Equivalent annual average wage based on the reported average weekly wage from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Equivalent annual average wage based on the reported average weekly wage from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Equivalent annual average wage based on the reported average weekly wage from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Equivalent annual average wage based on the reported average weekly wage from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Equivalent annual average wage based on the reported average weekly wage from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Equivalent annual average wage based on the reported average weekly wage from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Equivalent annual average wage based on the reported average weekly wage from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Equivalent annual average wage based on the reported average weekly wage from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Quarterly count of wage and salary jobs from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Quarterly count of wage and salary jobs from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Quarterly count of wage and salary jobs from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Quarterly count of wage and salary jobs from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Quarterly count of wage and salary jobs from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Quarterly count of wage and salary jobs from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Quarterly count of wage and salary jobs from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Quarterly count of wage and salary jobs from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Quarterly count of wage and salary jobs from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Quarterly count of wage and salary jobs from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Quarterly count of wage and salary jobs from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Quarterly count of wage and salary jobs from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Quarterly count of wage and salary jobs from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Quarterly count of wage and salary jobs from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Quarterly count of wage and salary jobs from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Quarterly count of wage and salary jobs from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Quarterly count of wage and salary jobs from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Quarterly count of wage and salary jobs from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Quarterly count of wage and salary jobs from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Quarterly count of wage and salary jobs from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Quarterly count of wage and salary jobs from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Quarterly count of wage and salary jobs from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Quarterly count of wage and salary jobs from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Number of individual physical locations reported by all firms from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Number of individual physical locations reported by all firms from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Number of individual physical locations reported by all firms from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Number of individual physical locations reported by all firms from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Number of individual physical locations reported by all firms from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Number of individual physical locations reported by all firms from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Number of individual physical locations reported by all firms from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Number of individual physical locations reported by all firms from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Number of individual physical locations reported by all firms from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Number of individual physical locations reported by all firms from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Number of individual physical locations reported by all firms from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Number of individual physical locations reported by all firms from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Number of individual physical locations reported by all firms from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Number of individual physical locations reported by all firms from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Number of individual physical locations reported by all firms from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Number of individual physical locations reported by all firms from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Number of individual physical locations reported by all firms from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Number of individual physical locations reported by all firms from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Number of individual physical locations reported by all firms from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Number of individual physical locations reported by all firms from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Number of individual physical locations reported by all firms from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Number of individual physical locations reported by all firms from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Number of individual physical locations reported by all firms from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Total income from All Reporting returns for state Corporation Income Tax for the tax year.
Total tax liability from All Reporting returns for state Corporation Income Tax for the tax year.
Adjusted gross income from state personal income tax returns filed for the tax year.
Total tax liability from state personal income tax returns filed for the tax year.
The S&P 500 Index is a broad index tracking the large cap US equities market.
For persons age 25 and over, percentage with highest educational attainment of a bachelor’s degree.
For persons age 25 and over, percentage with highest educational attainment of graduate or professional degree.
Diesel prices are shown as the monthly average, dollars per gallon (including taxes) for all grades.
Gasoline prices are shown as the monthly average, dollars per gallon (including taxes) for Regular Gasoline.
Electricity prices are shown as the average price in cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh) for all electric industry providers for the commercial end-use sector.
Electricity prices are shown as the average price in cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh) for all electric industry providers for the industrial end-use sector.
Natural gas prices are shown as the average price in dollars per thousand cubic feet (tcf) for all natural gas delivered to commercial end-use sector.
Natural gas prices are shown as the average price in dollars per thousand cubic feet (tcf) for all natural gas delivered to commercial end-use sector.
Ratio of the quarterly median home price to the quarterly median California home price. This index shows the relative cost of homes (as percent above (+) or below (-) the CA median) in the different geographic areas of the state.
Ratio of the quarterly median home price to the quarterly median US home price. This index shows the relative cost of California homes (as percent above (+) or below (-) the US median) compared to the US median.
Median value of single family homes.
Median value of multi-family residential units.
Median sales price for existing single family homes.
Estimate of median contract rent by area, all rental units.
Percentage calculated from the annual estimates from Department of Finance as of July 1 of each year. Other months are taken as a straight-line distribution.
Percentage calculated from the annual estimates from Department of Finance as of July 1 of each year. Other months are taken as a straight-line distribution.
Percentage calculated from the annual estimates from Department of Finance as of July 1 of each year. Other months are taken as a straight-line distribution.
Percentage calculated from the annual estimates from Department of Finance as of July 1 of each year. Other months are taken as a straight-line distribution.
Percentage calculated from the annual estimates from Department of Finance as of July 1 of each year. Other months are taken as a straight-line distribution.
Percentage calculated from the annual estimates and projections from Department of Finance as of July 1 of each year.
Percentage calculated from the annual estimates and projections from Department of Finance as of July 1 of each year. Other months are taken as a straight-line distribution.
Total average adjusted gross income per return of in-migrating residents.
As a point of comparison, total average adjusted gross income for returns filed by residents who have not changed address in the past year.
Total average adjusted gross income per return of out-migrating residents.
Total number of tax returns filed by residents who have moved from the state or county based on their prior year address.
Total number of tax returns filed by residents who have moved to the state or county based on their prior year address. Number of returns is an approximation of migrating households.
Calculated from the annual estimates and projections from Department of Finance as of July 1 of each year.
Percentage calculated from the annual estimates for Asians and Pacific Islanders, Non-Latino share of population from Department of Finance as of July 1 of each year. Other months are taken as a straight-line distribution.
Percentage calculated from the annual estimates for Non-Latino share of population from Department of Finance as of July 1 of each year. Other months are taken as a straight-line distribution.
Percentage calculated from the annual estimates and projections from Department of Finance as of July 1 of each year.
Percentage calculated from the annual estimates for Non-Latino share of population from Department of Finance as of July 1 of each year. Other months are taken as a straight-line distribution.
Percentage calculated from the annual estimates for Non-Latino share of population from Department of Finance as of July 1 of each year. Other months are taken as a straight-line distribution.
Percentage calculated from the annual estimates for Non-Latino share of population from Department of Finance as of July 1 of each year. Other months are taken as a straight-line distribution.
Average number of establishments reported in Q1 by all Private firms in the Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages within each NAICS code.
Total number of registrations for for-profit Corporations becoming inactive through the end of each quarter.
Total number of new business filings plus previously inactive registrations revived or restored for for-profit Corporations through the end of each quarter.
Total number of active for-profit (stock) Corporations at the end of each quarter.
Total number of registrations for non-profit Corporations becoming inactive through the end of each quarter.
Total number of new business filings plus previously inactive registrations revived or restored for non-profit Corporations through the end of each quarter.
Total number of active non-profit (non-stock) Corporations at the end of each quarter.
Total number of registrations for LLCs (limited liability corporations) becoming inactive through the end of each quarter.
Total number of registrations for LPs (limited partnerships) becoming inactive through the end of each quarter.
Total number of new business filings plus previously inactive registrations revived or restored for LLCs (limited liability corporations) through the end of each quarter.
Total number of new business filings plus previously inactive registrations revived or restored for LPs (limited partnerships) through the end of each quarter.
Total number of active LLCs (limited liability corporations) at the end of each quarter.
Total number of active LPs (limited partnerships), at the end of each quarter.
Number of individuals operating as Sole Proprietorships and General Partners in farming operations.
Total income from farm Sole Proprietorships and General Partners.
Number of individuals operating as Sole Proprietorships and General Partners in nonfarm businesses.
Total income from non-farm Sole Proprietorships and General Partners.
Number of individuals operating as Sole Proprietorships and General Partners.
Total number of registrations for Corporations, LPs (limited partnerships), and LLCs (limited liability corporations) becoming inactive through the end of each quarter.
Total number of new business filings plus previously inactive registrations revived or restored for Corporations, LPs (limited partnerships), and LLCs (limited liability corporations) through the end of each quarter.
Total number of active Corporations, LPs (limited partnerships), and LLCs (limited liability corporations) at the end of each quarter.
Average of the most recent forecasts for the state and national economies, including Department of Finance, Legislative Analysts’ Office, Congressional Budget Office, and various private forecasting sources.
The number within the Labor Force as a percentage of the total Noninstitutional Civilian Population.
Percentage of income for the average owner-occupied household spent annually on the necessities contained in the Index, adjusted for double counting for sales tax, fees and other taxes, and non-homeowner portion of property tax.
Total amount the average owner-occupied household spent annually on the necessities contained in the Index, adjusted for double counting for sales tax, fees and other taxes, and non-homeowner portion of property tax.
Annual mortgage, property tax, property insurance, electricity, natural gas, and water and sanitary sewer costs from the American Community Survey PUMS data through IPUMS USA, University of Minnesota,
While currently a significant factor primarily in the larger urban areas, condo and other homeowners association fees are becoming a more significant component of housing costs as state policies push more for multi-family housing developments, and even in the case of single family developments as a result of local regulations and fee structures.
Annual electricity cost from the American Community Survey PUMS data through IPUMS USA, University of Minnesota, is adjusted by annual electricity use and prices from Energy Information Administration and California Energy Commission.
Annual amount for fire, hazard, and flood insurance from the American Community Survey PUMS data through IPUMS USA, University of Minnesota,
Calculated using the average home value from the from the American Community Survey PUMS data through IPUMS USA, University of Minnesota,, and the 30-Year Fixed Rate Mortgage Average for each year from the Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) system from the St. Louis Federal Reserve.
Annual natural gas cost from American Community Survey PUMS data through IPUMS USA, University of Minnesota, is adjusted by annual natural gas use and prices from Energy Information Administration and California Energy Commission.
Annual property tax from American Community Survey PUMS data through IPUMS USA, University of Minnesota,
Annual cost for water and sanitary sewer service from American Community Survey PUMS data through IPUMS USA, University of Minnesota,
Annual household income by tenure from American Community Survey, from US Census Bureau tabulations and from data available through IPUMS NHGIS, University of Minnesota,
Annual cost for fuel, fuel taxes, vehicle insurance, and motor vehicle licenses.
Annual cost for fuel taxes from annual gallons of gasoline per household and American Petroluem Institute state gasoline taxes data.
Annual fuel costs net of fuel taxes assuming 1.5 vehicle equivalent per household and annual vehicle miles from National Household Travel Survey by tenure and income, US Department of Transportation average fuel efficiency data, and averge fuel costs from
Annual vehicle Insurance cost assuming 2 vehicles per household and Zebra’s State of Auto Insurance data.
Sum of taxes and fees paid directly and indirectly by the average owner-occupied household.
Federal Personal Income Tax is calculated through NBER, TAXSIM.
Fees & Other Taxes per household is the direct and indirect amounts calculated using the Other Taxes and Other Current Charges revenues reported in the US Census Bureau State & Local Government Finance adjusted for tax incidence.
FICA payroll taxes for Social Security and Medicare are calculated through NBER, TAXSIM.
Annual homeowner property tax from American Community Survey PUMS data through IPUMS USA, University of Minnesota, plus annual indirect cost from per household non-homeowner portion of property tax from US Census Bureau State & Local Government Finance adjusted for tax incidence.
Annual direct and indirect cost per household from US Census Bureau State & Local Government Finance adjusted for tax incidence.
State Personal Income Tax is calculated through NBER, TAXSIM.
Motor Vehicle Licenses per household is calculated using the reported revenues in the US Census Bureau State & Local Government Finance report, total for both state and local governments, divided by the total number of households in each geography. To estimate the portion paid by households rather than businesses, the totals are adjusted based on the share of commercial vs. other vehicles in California.
Out-of-pocket amount paid annually by households for health insurance, medical services (including co-pays and deductibles), prescription and over-the-counter drugs, and medical supplies, using the percentage of income before taxes allocated to Healthcare by income group from the Consumer Expenditure Survey adjusted to a four-person household.
Amount paid annually for food prepared at home and for take-out/restaurant food prepared away from home, using the percentage of income before taxes allocated to each food component by income group from the Consumer Expenditure Survey adjusted to a four-person household.
Amount paid annually for food prepared at home, using the percentage of income before taxes by income group from the Consumer Expenditure Survey adjusted to a four-person household.
Amount paid annually for take-out/restaurant food prepared away from home, using the percentage of income before taxes by income group from the Consumer Expenditure Survey adjusted to a four-person household.
Percentage of income for the average renter-occupied household spent annually on the necessities contained in the Index, adjusted for double counting for sales tax, fees and other taxes, and non-homeowner portion of property tax.
Total amount the average renter-occupied household spent annually on the necessities contained in the Index, adjusted for double counting for sales tax, fees and other taxes, and non-homeowner portion of property tax.
Annual rent, electricity, natural gas, and water and sanitary sewer costs from the American Community Survey PUMS data through IPUMS USA, University of Minnesota,
Annual electricity cost from the American Community Survey PUMS data through IPUMS USA, University of Minnesota, is adjusted by annual electricity use and prices from Energy Information Administration and California Energy Commission.
Annual natural gas cost from American Community Survey PUMS data through IPUMS USA, University of Minnesota, is adjusted by annual natural gas use and prices from Energy Information Administration and California Energy Commission.
Annual gross rent from American Community Survey PUMS data through IPUMS USA, University of Minnesota,, adjusted for electricity, natural gas, and water/sewer.
Annual cost for water and sanitary sewer service from American Community Survey PUMS data through IPUMS USA, University of Minnesota,
Annual household income by tenure from American Community Survey, from US Census Bureau tabulations and from data available through IPUMS NHGIS, University of Minnesota,
Annual cost for fuel, fuel taxes, vehicle insurance, and motor vehicle licenses.
Annual cost for fuel taxes from annual gallons of gasoline pre household and American Petroluem Institute state gasoline taxes data.
Annual fuel costs net of fuel taxes assuming 1.5 vehicle vehicle equivalent per household and annual vehicle miles from National Household Travel Survey by tenure and income, US Department of Transportation average fuel efficiency data, and averge fuel costs from
Vehicle Insurance costs are developed from data obtained from Zebra’s State of Auto Insurance data.
Sum of taxes and fees paid directly and indirectly by the average renter-occupied household.
Federal Personal Income Tax is calculated through NBER, TAXSIM.
Fees & Other Taxes per household is direct and indirect amounts calculated using the Other Taxes and Other Current Charges revenues reported in the US Census Bureau State & Local Government Finance adjusted for tax incidence.
FICA payroll taxes for Social Security and Medicare are calculated through NBER, TAXSIM.
Annual indirect cost from per household non-homeowner portion of property tax from US Census Bureau State & Local Government Finance adjusted for tax incidence.
Annual direct and indirect cost per household from US Census Bureau State & Local Government Finance adjusted for tax incidence.
State Personal Income Tax is calculated through NBER, TAXSIM.
Motor Vehicle Licenses per household is calculated using the reported revenues in the US Census Bureau State & Local Government Finance report, total for both state and local governments, divided by the total number of households in each geography. To estimate the portion paid by households rather than businesses, the totals are adjusted based on the share of commercial vs. other vehicles in California.
Out-of-pocket amount paid annually by households for health insurance, medical services (including co-pays and deductibles), prescription and over-the-counter drugs, and medical supplies, using the percentage of income before taxes allocated to Healthcare by income group from the Consumer Expenditure Survey adjusted to a four-person household.
Amount paid annually for food prepared at home and for take-out/restaurant food prepared away from home, using the percentage of income before taxes allocated to each food component by income group from the Consumer Expenditure Survey adjusted to a four-person household.
Amount paid annually for food prepared at home, using the percentage of income before taxes by income group from the Consumer Expenditure Survey adjusted to a four-person household.
Amount paid annually for take-out/restaurant food prepared away from home, using the percentage of income before taxes by income group from the Consumer Expenditure Survey adjusted to a four-person household.
Gasoline prices are shown as the monthly average, dollars per gallon (including taxes) for Regular Gasoline.
Electricity prices are shown as the average annual price in cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh) for all electric industry providers for the residential end-use sector.
Average electricity bill is calculated from total sales and total customers for the residential end user sector.
Natural gas prices are shown as the average price in dollars per thousand cubic feet (tcf) for all natural gas delivered to commercial end-use sector.
Ratio of the quarterly median home price to the quarterly median California home price. This index shows the relative cost of homes (as percent above (+) or below (-) the CA median) in the different geographic areas of the state.
Percent of rented units paying gross rent that is 30% or more of total income.
Ratio of the quarterly median home price to the quarterly median US home price. This index shows the relative cost of California homes (as percent above (+) or below (-) the US median) compared to the US median.
Percent of rented units paying gross rent that is 50% or more of total income.
Median value of single family homes.
Median value of multi-family residential units.
Median sales price for existing single family homes.
Estimate of median contract rent by area, all rental units.
Equivalent annual average wage based on the reported average weekly wage from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.
Share of electricity generation from renewable and sources producing no carbon dioxide emissions: geothermal, solar, wind, wood and wood derived fuel, other biomass, conventional hydroelectric, nuclear, and net production from pumped storage.
Total electricity generation (thousand megawatt-hours) from utility-scale solar and wind.
Total GHG emissions are estimated by US EPA for all man-made sources, including carbon dioxide removal from the atmosphere by “sinks,” (e.g., through the uptake of carbon and storage in forests, vegetation, and soils) from management of lands in their current use or as lands are converted to other uses.
Electricity prices are shown as the average annual price in cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh) for all electric industry providers for the residential end-use sector.
Average electricity bill is calculated from total sales and total customers for the residential end user sector.
Electricity prices are shown as the average price in cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh) for all electric industry providers for the commercial end-use sector.
Electricity prices are shown as the average price in cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh) for all electric industry providers for the industrial end-use sector.
Electricity prices are shown as the average price in cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh) for all electric industry providers for the residential end-use sector.
Diesel prices are shown as the monthly average, dollars per gallon (including taxes) for all grades.
Gasoline prices are shown as the monthly average, dollars per gallon (including taxes) for Regular Gasoline.
Natural gas prices are shown as the average price in dollars per thousand cubic feet (tcf) for all natural gas delivered to commercial end-use sector.
Natural gas prices are shown as the average price in dollars per thousand cubic feet (tcf) for all natural gas delivered to commercial end-use sector.
Natural gas prices are shown as the average price in dollars per thousand cubic feet (tcf) for all natural gas delivered to commercial end-use sector.
Percentage of persons age 65 and over within the population age 16 and over.
Percentage of persons age 55-64 within the population age 16 and over.
Percentage of persons age 25-54 within the population age 16 and over.
Percentage of persons age 20-24 within the population age 16 and over.
Percentage of persons age 16-19 within the population age 16 and over.
Percentage of persons age 20-24 within the number of employed, civilian labor force.
Percentage of persons age 55-64 within the number of employed, civilian labor force.
Percentage of persons age 16-19 within the number of employed, civilian labor force.
Percentage of persons age 25-54 within the civilian labor force.
Percentage of persons age 55-64 within the civilian labor force.
Percentage of persons age 20-24 within the civilian labor force.
Percentage of persons age 16-19 within the civilian labor force.
Percentage of persons age 65 and over within the number of employed, civilian labor force.
Percentage of persons age 20-24 within the number of unemployed, civilian labor force.
Percentage of persons age 16-19 within the number of unemployed, civilian labor force.
Percentage of persons age 65 and over within the civilian labor force.
Percentage of persons age 25-54 within the number of unemployed, civilian labor force
Percentage of persons age 55-64 within the number of unemployed, civilian labor force.
Percentage of persons age 65 and over within the number of unemployed, civilian labor force.
Share of working age population 25-64 with highest educational attainment of a BA or graduate/professional degree.
Share of working age population 25-64 with highest educational attainment of below high school, no diploma.
Share of working age population 25-64 with highest educational attainment of a high school diploma, including GED or equivalent.
Share of working age population 25-64 with highest educational attainment of some college including an AA degree.
Share of total number of employed age 25-64 with highest educational attainment of a BA or graduate/professional degree.
Share of total number of employed age 25-64 with highest educational attainment of below high school, no diploma.
Share of total number of employed age 25-64 with highest educational attainment of a high school diploma, including GED or equivalent.
Share of total number of employed age 25-64 with highest educational attainment of some college including an AA degree.
Share of labor force age 25-64 with highest educational attainment of a BA or graduate/professional degree.
Share of labor force age 25-64 with highest educational attainment of below high school, no diploma.
Share of labor force age 25-64 with highest educational attainment of a high school diploma, including GED or equivalent.
Share of labor force age 25-64 with highest educational attainment of some college including an AA degree.
Share of total number of unemployed age 25-64 with highest educational attainment of a BA or graduate/professional degree
Share of total number of unemployed age 25-64 with highest educational attainment of below high school, no diploma.
Share of total number of unemployed age 25-64 with highest educational attainment of a high school diploma, including GED or equivalent.
Share of total number of unemployed age 25-64 with highest educational attainment of some college including an AA degree.
Share of total number of employed of Latino ethnicity.
Share of total number of employed of all other races including unknown, Non-Latino.
Share of total number of employed who are White, Non-Latino.
Share of labor force of Latino ethnicity.
Share of labor force of all other races including unknown, Non-Latino.
Share of labor force who are White, Non-Latino.
Share of total number of unemployed of Latino ethnicity.
Share of total number of unemployed of all other races including unknown, Non-Latino.
Share of total number of unemployed who are White, Non-Latino.
Share of working age population 16 and older of Latino ethnicity.
Share of working age population 16 and older of all other races including unknown, Non-Latino.
Share of working age population 16 and older who are White, Non-Latino.
Percentage of men within the population age 16 and over.
Percentage of women within the population age 16 and over.
Share of total number of employed, White.
Share of labor force, Asian or Pacific Islander.
Share of labor force, Black or African-American.
Share of labor force, all other races including unknown.
Share of labor force, White.
Share of total number of unemployed, Asian or Pacific Islander.
Share of total number of unemployed, Black or African-American.
Share of total number of unemployed, all other races including unknown.
Share of total number of unemployed, White.
Share of working age population 16 and older, Asian or Pacific Islander.
Share of working age population 16 and older, Black or African-American.
Share of working age population 16 and older, all other races including unknown.
Share of working age population 16 and older, White.
Includes all individuals who worked at least one hour for a wage or salary, self-employed, or working at least 15 unpaid hours in a family business or on a family farm.
Sum of civilian employment and civilian unemployment. Civilians are age 16 years or older, not members of the Armed Services, and are not in institutions such as prisons, mental hospitals, or nursing homes. Not seasonally adjusted.
Individuals who are not working but are able, available, and actively looking for work.
Sum of civilian employment and civilian unemployment.
Percentage of high school graduates completing the A-G courses required for application to UC and CSU.
Percentage of female high school graduates completing the A-G courses required for application to UC and CSU.
Percentage of male high school graduates completing the A-G courses required for application to UC and CSU.
Percentage of Latino high school graduates completing the A-G courses required for application to UC and CSU.
Percentage of White, non-Latino high school graduates completing the A-G courses required for application to UC and CSU.
Percentage of Asian & Pacific Islander, non-Latino high school graduates completing the A-G courses required for application to UC and CSU.
Percentage of Black/African American, non-Latino high school graduates completing the A-G courses required for application to UC and CSU.
Percentage of socioeconomically disadvantaged high school graduates completing the A-G courses required for application to UC and CSU.
Percentage high school graduates classified as English Learners completing the A-G courses required for application to UC and CSU.
Percent of the class cohort dropping out of school prior to graduation from high school for students classified as English Learners.
Percent of the class cohort dropping out of school prior to graduation from high school for all students classified as socioeconomically disadvantaged.
Percent of the class cohort dropping out of school prior to graduation from high school for Asian students.
Percent of the class cohort dropping out of school prior to graduation from high school for Black/African-American students.
Percent of the class cohort dropping out of school prior to graduation from high school for Latino students.
Percent of the class cohort dropping out of school prior to graduation from high school for all students.
Percent of the class cohort dropping out of school prior to graduation from high school for white students.
Percent of the class cohort dropping out of school prior to graduation from high school for female students.
Percent of the class cohort dropping out of school prior to graduation from high school for male students.
For persons age 25 and over, percentage with highest educational attainment of a bachelor’s degree.
For persons age 25 and over, percentage with highest educational attainment of a bachelor’s, graduate, or professional degree.
For persons age 25 and over, percentage with highest educational attainment of less than a high school diploma.
For persons age 25 and over, percentage with highest educational attainment of graduate or professional degree.
For persons age 25 and over, percentage with highest educational attainment of a high school diploma or equivalent (e.g., GED).
For persons age 25 and over, percentage with highest educational attainment of some college but no degree.
For years 2013 and prior, percent of students classified as English Learners in grades 2-11 testing at the proficient level or above on the California Standards Test (CST).
For years 2013 and prior, percent of students classified as socioeconomically disadvantaged in grades 2-11 testing at the proficient level or above on the California Standards Test (CST).
For years 2013 and prior, percent of Asian students in grades 2-11 testing at the proficient level or above on the California Standards Test (CST).
For years 2013 and prior, percent of Black/African-American students in grades 2-11 testing at the proficient level or above on the California Standards Test (CST).
For years 2013 and prior, percent of Latino students in grades 2-11 testing at the proficient level or above on the California Standards Test (CST).
For years 2013 and prior, percent of all students in grades 2-11 testing at the proficient level or above on the California Standards Test (CST).
For years 2013 and prior, percent of white students in grades 2-11 testing at the proficient level or above on the California Standards Test (CST).
For years 2013 and prior, percent of male students in grades 2-11 testing at the proficient level or above on the California Standards Test (CST).
For years 2013 and prior, percent of female students in grades 2-11 testing at the proficient level or above on the California Standards Test (CST).
For years 2013 and prior, percent of all students in grades 2-11 testing at the proficient level or above on the California Standards Test (CST).
For years 2013 and prior, percent of students classified as English Learners in grades 2-11 testing at the proficient level or above on the California Standards Test (CST).
For years 2013 and prior, percent of male students in grades 2-11 testing at the proficient level or above on the California Standards Test (CST).
For years 2013 and prior, percent of female students in grades 2-11 testing at the proficient level or above on the California Standards Test (CST).
For years 2013 and prior, percent of Asia